Thursday, February 2, 2023


42. as much

  •  "I'm not from these parts." "I thought as much." 「ぼくはよそ者です」「やっぱり」

as much は先行する内容を受けて「そういうこと(だと思った)」「そうだろう(と思った)」の意味となる。


"Oh, they have won money of you at the Wellington, have they?" I said. "I thought as much."

George Sims, Memoirs of a Mother-in-Law


 the Wellington は宿の名前でビリヤードができ、若者がよく賭をしていた


Had the wars lasted another two or three years I might have grasped my bâton, and the man who had his hand upon that was only one stride from a throne. Murat had changed his hussar's cap for a crown, and another light cavalry man might have done as much.

Arthur Conan Doyle, The Exploits of Brigadier Gerard



I got hold of the right Smith at last — the particular Smith I was after — my dear, lost, lamented friend — and learned that he died violent death. I feared as much.

Mark Twain, "Among the Spirits"



145. 付帯状況の with 基本表現と解説 He was sitting, book in hand, at an open window. 「彼は本を手にして開いた窓際に座っていた」 book in hand は with a book in his hand の...