Saturday, April 6, 2024


107. close the door on と close the door behind

  • He closed the door on her. 「彼は彼女を中に入れて(あるいは外に出して)ドアを閉めた」
  • He closed the door behind him. 「彼は中に入って(あるいは外に出て)ドアを閉めた」

ドアの開け閉めに関しては shut someone out (締め出す)/ shut someone in (閉じ込める)/ lock oneself out (鍵を中に置き忘れて入れなくなる) などもよく使われる表現。


"Good-bye," I said then, and gave her the letter. As the door closed behind her I sank into my chair...

Edith Nesbit, "From the Dead"



"One moment," I asked. "Did the stable-boy, when he ran out with the dog, leave the door unlocked behind him?"

Arthur Conan Doyle, "The Adventure of Silver Blaze"



And I called to mind the little girl who had tried to give some bread to the hungry John Halifax, and whose cry of pain we heard as the door shut upon her.

Dinah Mulock Craik, John Halifax, Gentleman



Als die Sonne aufging, wachten die drei Schläfer auf. Sofort sahen sie, wie 1 schön die Gestalt war. Jeder von ihnen verliebte sich in 2 d...