137. 前置詞 + the + 動名詞
- You may have them for the asking. 「求めさえすれば得られる」
for the asking は for the act of asking ないし for the mere trouble of asking と理解する。ほかにも for the wishing とか with the wishing (望みさえすれば)などの形がある。
Go, if you like — there are plenty of house-keepers as good as you to be had for the asking.
Wilkie Collins, The Woman in White
The table appeared, and on the table was wine and savoury meats; whatever the soul desired was there with the wishing. The merchants sighed for envy.
R. Nisbet Bain, Russian Fairy Tales
It would be tedious if given in the beadle's words: occupying, as it did, some twenty minutes in the telling; but the sum and substance of it was, that Oliver was a foundling, born of low and vicious parents.
Charles Dickens, Oliver Twist