Thursday, May 9, 2019


早稲田大學敎授 深澤裕次郎著

(p. 31-36)

(a) One step further, and you will be in the street.
(b) One second more, and the barricade was captured.
(a) もう一歩進めば汝は外に出る。
(b) もう一秒して防障は奪はれた。

上掲の文は Compound Sentence にして初の Clause に Verb の省略有り、之を補へば
(a) Take one step further, and you will be in the street.
(b) There was one second more, and the barricade was captured.
(a) もう一歩進め、さすれば汝は外に出で有らう。
(b) もう一秒有つた、而て防障は奪はれた。
となる。而て此構文は多くの場合 Complex Sentence 又は Simple Sentence に改むる事を得。さる場合には初の Clause は Dependent Clause 又は Adverbial Phrase として Verb を修飾するものとす。
(a) If you take one step further, you will be in the street.
(b) In one second more, the barricade was captured.
(a) もう一歩先に進めば汝は外に出るで有らう。
(b) もう一秒して防障は奪はれた。
の如し、即ち (a) は Complex Sentence にして If you take one step further は條件を示す Adverbial Clause として will be を修飾し、(b) は Simple Sentence にして In one second more は時間を示す Adverbial Phrase として was captured を修飾す。

1.  One false step, and then facilis descensus Averni.
    D. Donovan
    facilis descensus Averni = Easy is the descent to Avernus (= the lower world)「奈落に落つるは易し」即ち「(?)は易し」の意の拉丁語。
2.  A word from me, and the alternative has gone forever.
    C. Dickens
  alternative 採る可き策
3.  One flash of those bright moist eyes, and he walked hastily across the road.
    Mrs. Craik
4.  No; a thousand times no! A few short days, and all belong to Arthur Dynecourt.
    The Duchess
5.  One other such fit of merriment, and I must throw off my clerical wig and band.
    N. Hawthorne
6.  A turn to the right, and we are in wide, desolate stretch of apparently waste ground.
    G. R. Sims
7.  A single word from me, and your doom is sealed without hope, and your last hour is come.
    W. M. Thackeray
    doom is sealed.「運命定まる」、doom の代りに fate を用ふる事あり。
8.  One hoist of the reat head, and out of the hole i came like a periwinkle out of his shell.
    E. R. Haggard
9.  The silent grasp of a few rough arms and all would have been over, the victim must have been absolutely passive at their will.
    E. A. Poe
10. A few weeks since and I was wandering in the desert with a dying child, and with scarcely a possession left in the world except a store of buried ivory that I never expected to see again.
    E. H. Haggard
11. A word from me, the house, lands, baronetcy, were gone from him for ever -- a word from me, and he was driven out into the world a nameless penniless friendless outcast! The man's whole future hung on my lips -- and he knew it by this time as certainly as I did.
    W. Collins
  for ever 永久に。hung on my lips 私の言次第でどうでもなるの意。
12. Another second and the secret was out.
    R. Haggard
13. Another moment, and she had pulled it open.
    R. L. Stevenson
14. Another step before my fall, and the world had seen me no more.
    E. A. Poe
15. "Another minute, and she will despise me for a hypocrite," thought I.
    C. Bronte
16. Another offence of this kind, and I will _flog_ you: mark that -- _flog_ you, Ralph.
    Dean Farrar
  mark that「それを注意せよ」は「おぼえて居れ」の意。mark you などとも云ふ。
17. Another minute, and it was suffused with a crimson flush: and a heavy wildness came over the soft blue eye.
    C. Dickens
18. Yet a little while, and she will be beyond your reach!
    N. Hawthorne
19. Yet a day, and men breathed with greater freedom.
    E. A. Poe
20. Yet another day -- and the evil was not altogether upon us.
    E. A. Poe
21. Yet one minute, and I felt that the struggle would be over.
    E. A. Poe
22. One word more, and my story is done.
    R. L. Stevenson
23. A moment more, and I had fettered him to the granite.
    E. A. Poe
24. One minute more, and they would have won their bet.
    J. verne
25. Another word of your duelling, and I break you between these fingers.
    C. Doyles
26. A few minutes more and he would turn to her and tell her she was free.
    C. M. Braeme
27. One word more on this shady subject and we will get out into the light again.
    G. R. Sims
28. A few more days of agony like this, and I shall be free forever from Hugh Fernely.
    C. M. Braeme
29. A hundred yards more and they passed through a gap in a wall.
    A. Dumas
30. A hundred miles further and we shall cross the Ural Mountains, and be in Asiatic Russia.
    Hugh Conway
31. A little further on, and I was out of the grounds and following the lane that wound gently upward to the nearest hills.
    W. Collins
32. The air was intensely cold; I looked round, and the forest had disappeared behind me; a few steps more, and there was the stillness of death itself.
    A. Chamisso
33. Two or three steps further and her life would have been in serious jeopardy, when I slid down the face of the sand-hill, which is there precipitous, and, running half-way forward, called her to stop.
    R. L. Stevenson
34. A little longer, and thou needest not to be afraid to trace whose child she is.
    N. Hawthorne
35. one hand's breadth nearer, and he was saved -- but the tide bore him onward, under the dark arches of the bridge, and he sunk to the bottom.
    C. Dickens
36. A few hours longer and the deep, mysterious ocean will quench and hide forever the symbol which we have caused to burn upon her bosom!
    N. Hawthorne

関口存男「新ドイツ語大講座 下」(4)

§4.  Solch ein kleines Kind weiß von gar nichts. そんな 小さな子供は何も知らない。  一般的に「さような」という際には solch- を用います(英語の such )が、その用法には二三の場合が区別されます。まず題文...