Sunday, September 15, 2019


早稲田大學敎授 深澤裕次郎著

(p. 54-62)

(a) They shot the spy, that brave Japanese.
(b) She was still living, that missing girl.
(c) Certainly this was the beautiful trait of his, to do his work well.
(d) At least they have this in common, that when they do work, they work well.
(e) The rumour that our steamship Sakata-maru was sunk proved only too true.
(f) The doctor has just told me, what I always feared that hers is an incurable disease.
(g) He rashly ventured to swim across the turbulent river, an act which cost him his life.

(a) 彼等は彼の勇武の日本人なる軍事探偵を銃殺した。
(b) あの行衛不明の娘なる彼の女はまだ存命で居た。
(c) 仕事をよくすると云ふ事は確に彼の美質である。
(d) 彼等は働く時にはよく働くと云ふこの點丈は似て居る。
(e) 汽船坂田丸撃沈の報は不幸にして事實であつた。
(f) 彼の女の病は不治の病だと今醫者に聞いたが、これは前から自分の氣遣つて居た所だ。
(g) 彼は無謀にも濁流を泳いで渡らうとしたが、それが爲に命を失つた。


Noun, Pronoun, Noun Phrase, Noun Clause が他の Noun, Pronoun, Noun Phrase, Noun Clause 等を布衍説明すること有り、之を Appositive (同格語)又は Noun (Phrase, Clause) in Apposition (同格名詞、句、節)と稱す、これ説明するものと説明せらるゝものと格を同じうするを以てなり。即ち、範例中 (a) Japanese は spy と同格にして Objective Case. (b) girl は She と同格にして Nominative Case. (c) Noun Phrase の to do his work well は this と同格にして Nominative Case. (d) Noun Clause の (that) when they do work, they work well は this と同格にして Objective Case. (e) Noun Clause の (that) our steamship Sakata-maru was sunk は rumour と同格にして  Nominative Case. (f) Noun Clause の what I always feared は (that) hers is an incurable disease と同格にして Objective Case なり。而てこの Clause は其説明せむとする Noun 又は Noun Clause の前に在るを普通とす。猶ほ (d) (e) (f) の ( )内の that は Conjunction にして Clause の一部を成さず。(g) act は前の Sentence 又は其 Sentence 中に含まるゝ Noun を布衍説明するものなり。例へば

(a) You were silent when accused -- a clear confession of guilt.

(b) He permitted me to consult his library -- a kindness which I shall not forget.

(c) He was said to have disobeyed his parents -- a fault deemed unpardonable in those days.

の中 confession, kindness, fault は一の Emphatic word を以て前の Sentence の趣旨を反復せるものと見るも可、又は Sentence 又は Sentence 中に含める Noun と同格と見るも可なり。Sentence 中に含める Noun と同格と見れば次の如く書き改むるを得。

(a) You kept silence when accused -- a clear confession of guilt.

(b) He gave me permission to consult his library -- a kindness which I shall not forget.

(c) He was said to have been guilty of disobedience towards his parents -- a fault deemed unpardonable in those days.

即ち、confession は silence と、kindness は permission と、fault は disobedience と、いづれも同格なり、猶ほ本文の場合には其同格名詞の前に which is, was 等を補ひて解する事を得。

He was prudent, and he sometimes pushed prudence even to daring, which is a great quality at sea.
    I. F. Hapgood

この場合の which is は之を削るも意味に於て消長なし。

Noun 又は Pronoun が同一 Sentence 中の他の Noun 又は Pronoun と同格なるもの。

1.  They were Corsicans, these two men.
    C. Doyle
2.  He was flesh and blood, then, this Emperor.
    C. Doyle
3.  It was a voluptuous scene, that masquerade.
    E. A. Poe
4.  They were happy days, those of Oliver's recovery.
    C. Dickens
5.  He was a very pleasant-spoken man -- that photographer.
    M. Quad
6.  But John -- my John Halifax -- he sat in his cart, and drove.
    Mrs. Craik
7.  It was a long waiting until they came home -- my father and John.
    Mrs. Craik
8.  Aha! see now how they trouble the brain -- these books! -- these books!
    N. Hawthorne
9.  We started about four o'clock -- Legrand, Jupiter, the dog, and myself.
    E. A. Poe
10. The monks may have planted it; they liked fruit, those old fellows.
    Mrs. Craik
11. It was an anxious business, this inspection, and left me downhearted.
    R. L. Stevenson
12. They went together, the father and son, so like in face yet so dissimilar in mind.
    C. Braeme
13. The paradise dreamed of by this demon had resumed its true form, the sepulchre.
    V. Hugo
14. They are, in fact, subjected to the vast movements to and fro of the hurricane, that woodchopper of the sea.
    V. Hugo
15. "Jeal," cried my father, rousing himself, "give us some breakfast, the lad and me -- we have had a hard night's work together."
    Mrs. Craik

Noun Phrase が Noun 又は Pronoun と同格なるもの。

1.  O let us still the secret joy partake
    To follow virtue e'en for virtue's sake.
  To follow virtue e'en for virtue's sake とは他に何か爲めにする所あつて德を守るにあらずして德を守ると云ふ其事自身が樂しき故に之を守るとの意。

2.  Yes, this is the central passion of all men of true ability, to do their work well; their happiness lies in that, and not in the amount of their profits, or even in their reputation.
    P. G. Hamerton

3.  If there is one lesson which experience teaches, surely it is this, to make plans that are strictly limited, and to arrange our work in a practicable way within the limits that we must accept.
    P. G. Hamerton
  must accept「甘受せねばならぬ」とは「已むを得ずとして從はねばならぬ」との意。

Noun Clause が Noun 又は Pronoun と同格なるもの。

1.  In the serene expression of her face he read the divine Beatitude, "Blessed are the pure in heart."
    H. W. Longfellow
  "Blessed are the pure in heart." 馬太傳五章八節にあり。

2.  Well, I certainly have this in common with the disciples of Esculapius, that I can never call an hour my own.
    A. Dumas
  the disciples of Esculapius は「醫師」を云ふ。Esculapius は醫術の神なり。
  註 原文では「this disciple of Esculapius は「醫師」を云ふ」となっているが訂正した。

3.  Kant's example is a good one so far as this, that it proved a sort of independence of character which would be valuable to every student.
    P. G. Hamerton

4.  All intellectual lives, however much they may differ in the variety of their purposes, have at least this purpose in common, that they are mainly devoted to self education of one kind or another.
    P. G. Hamerton


Noun clause が Noun 又は Noun Clause と同格なるもの。

1.  She looked, indeed, what afterwards found she really was, an under-teacher.
    C. Bronte

2.  Scot felt, what every sensitive nature should feel, that poverty is a much lighter burden to bear than debt.
    S. Smiles

3.  She wanted -- what some people want throughout life -- a grief that should deeply touch her, and thus humanise and make her capable of sympathy.
    N. Hawthorne

4.  That I should ever be, what was my poor father's one desire, his assistant and successor in his business, was, I knew, a thing totally impossible.
    Mrs. Craik

5.  We observed also, what have often proved since, that the nature of a horse can be told by his color, from the coquettish light bay, full of fancies and nerves, to the hardy chestnut, and from the docile roan to the pig-headed rusty-black.
    C. Doyle

6.  Onward he came, sticking up in his saddle with rigid perpendicularity, a tall, thin, figure in rusty black, whom the show-man and the conjurer shortly recognized to be, what his aspect sufficiently indicated, a travelling preacher of great fame among the Methodists.
    N. Hawthorne

Noun が Sentece 又は Sentence 中に含まれたる Noun と同格なるもの。

1.  He put up that lean finger again, his solitary gesuture.
    H. G. Wells

2.  On the contrary, I am often wrong -- a luxury no critic can afford.
    J. Galsworthy

3.  A cock which is not seen, can be heard crowing there, an extremely disagreeable thing.
    V. Hugo

4.  His (Javert's) wrinkled chin thrust up his lips towards his nose, a sign of stern reverie.
    V. Hugo

5.  On this he worked eight hours, either in lecturing or writing -- a long stretch of uninterrupted labour.
    P. G. Hamerton

6.  At the moment when Gilliat came alongside the reef, the tide was falling, a favourable circumstance.
    V. Hugo

7.  The plastering had here, in great measure, resisted the action of the fire -- a fact which I attributed to its having been recently spread.
    E. A. Poe
    a fact which は which fact とするも同じ。

8.  But Mr. Malthus sat in his place, with his head in his hands, and his hands upon the table, drunk and motionless -- a thing stricken down.
    R. L. Stevenson

9.  At last the child went off into a sound natural slumber -- an example that I should have been glad to follow had it not been for my burning curiosity.
    H. R. Haggard

10. He was a slender man, with white, fragile hands, and eyes that glanced half a dozen different ways at once, -- a habit it probably acquired from watching the boys.
    T. B. Aldrich

11. A few lights, like the blinking of eyes about to close, gleamed redly here and there from the small windows in the roofs, a sign of the retiring of the servants.
    V. Hugo


161. hence / whence 基本表現と解説 The real nature of Roentgen rays is unknown: hence the name X-rays. 「レントゲン線の実体は不明である。それゆえエックス線の名がある」 hence ...