早稲田大學敎授 深澤裕次郎著
(p. 66-70)
(a) As I live, he is the very man we met yesterday.
(b) As I am here, he is the very man we met yesterday.
(c) As you sit there, he is the very man we met yesterday.
(d) As you stand there, he is the very man we met yesterday.
Etc. etc.
(a) As (true as) I live,....
(b) As (true as) I am here,....
(c) As (certainly as) you sit there,....
(d) As (certainly as) you stand there,....
Etc. etc.
(a) 余が生くるが如くに(眞に)。
(b) 余が此處に在るが如く(眞に)。
(c) 貴下が其處に坐するが如く(確に)。
(d) 貴下が其處に立つが如く(確に)。
此等の Adverbial Clause は
truly, surely, certainly
(As) I live
(As) I am here
(As) you sit there
(As) you stand there
1. As sure as he lives he shall feel my resentment.
O. Goldsmith
2. As I live, the directions say give one tea-spoonful once an hour!
Mark Twain
3. But as I live, yonder comes Moses, without an horse, and the box at the back.
O. Goldsmith
an horse 古くは斯くの如く讀めり。
4. "No! as I live, a hedgehog! Look, Ellen, how it has coiled itself into a ball! off with it, May! Don't bring it to me!"
M. R. Mitford.騒
Off with 放せ、棄てよ。
5. "A little man! as i am alive, a little man! I did not know there were such little men in this country! I never saw one in my life before!"
Mrs. Inchbald
6. "Didn't know, you white-livered thief!" growled Sikes."Couldn't you hear the noise?"
"Not a sound of it, as I'm a living man, Bill," replied the Jew.
C. Dickens
サイクスは怒つて唸るやうに云つた「なに、知らなかつた、この臆病泥棒め! 騷ぎが聞えなかつたのか、貴樣には」
white-livered 臆病なる(臆病者の肝臓は白し(一字読み取れず)説より)。
7. While I stood thus, in despair, conversing with a trio of friends upon the all-absorbing subject of my heart, it so happened that the subject itself passed by.
"As I live, there she is!"
E. A. Poe
trio 三人。the all-absorbing subject of my heart 明けても暮れても忘るゝ事の出來ない意中の人。the subject itself 話の本尊其者。
8. And as for you, 'spuire, as sure as you stand there, this young lady is your wedded wife.
O. Goldsmith
9. If what i say to you now is ever known by others to have passed my lips, as certainly as we sit here I am a dead man.
W. Collins
10. "Yes," he said. "Your face speaks the truth this time. Serious, indeed, as serious as the money matters themselves."
"More serious. As true as I sit here, more serious."
W. Collins
11. The next thing he did -- as true as I sit here, as true as the heaven above us all -- the next thing he did was to carry the free end of his long, lean, black, frightful slow-match to the lighted candle alongside my face.
W. Collins
12. "Yes," replied he, "I will shake hands; for, as sure as I am here, I bear no malice. But, remember, if, by some impossible accident, we should give the slip to these black guards, I'll take the upper hand of you by fair or foul."
R. L. Stevenson
give the slip to を逃がす。take the upper hand of 「に勝つ」「を負かす」。by fair or foul (善惡)如何なる手段によりても。
13. My next words, as true as the good God is above us, will put my life into your hands.
W. Collins
14. But, as sure as God made me, I mean to put a period to this disreputable prodigality.
R. L. Stevenson
put period (=end) to 終わらせる、やめさせる
15. "He is gone," murmured Sibyl sadly. "I wish you had seen him."
"I wish I had, for as sure as there is a God in heaven, if he ever does you any wrong I shall kill him."
O. Wilde
16. I do not know how it shall be done, but I shall have that scoundrel at my mercy as there is a god in heaven.
R. L. Stevenson
have...at my mercy (=in my power) 我が手に入れる。
17. Well, then, when after my late Viscount's misfortune, my mother went up with us to London, to ask for justice against you all (as for Mohun, I'll have his blood, as sure as my name is Francis Viscount Esmond), we went to stay with our cousin my Lady Marborough, with whom we had quarrelled for even so long.
W. M. Thackeray
161. hence / whence 基本表現と解説 The real nature of Roentgen rays is unknown: hence the name X-rays. 「レントゲン線の実体は不明である。それゆえエックス線の名がある」 hence ...
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ジョン・ラッセル・ファーンが1957年に書いたミステリ。おそらくファーンが書いたミステリのなかでももっとも出来のよい一作ではないか。 テリーという映写技師が借金に困り、とうとう自分が勤める映画館の金庫から金を盗むことになる。もともとこの映画館には泥棒がよく入っていたので、偽装する...