早稲田大學敎授 深澤裕次郎著
(p. 119-123)
(a) Scarcely (hardly) have you passed through the gate before (when) you can hear some sweet music from within.
(b) You have scarcely (hardly) passed through the gate before (when) you can hear some sweet music from within.
(a) Scarcely (hardly) had I crossed the bridge before (when) it fell down.
(b) I had scarcely (hardly) crossed the bridge before (when) it fell down.
Scarce(ly)| |before (ere)
Hardly |…………|when
此構文に於ては、I の如く後の Clause の Verb が Present 又は Future なる時は前の Clause の Verb は Present Perfect となり。II の如く後の Clause の Verb が Past なる時は前の Clause の Verb は Past Perfect となる。
また (a) の如く Subject と Verb と轉倒せる時は、(b) の普通の形よりも語勢強し。
1. Scarcely were the words out of my mouth when I heard a stealthy footstep approaching.
H. H. Haggard
2. They took scarcely any notice when the twelve figures in female attire entered the room.
3. Scarcely had I got round when I heard the reeds parting before the onward rush of some animal.
H. R. Haggard
4. Scarcely had the soldier mounted, when a shot from the adjoining heights struck and killed him.
5. But scarcely had they received their rations, ere the well-known hurrah of Platoff rang once more in their ears.
J. G. Lockhart
6. Scarcely had the carpenter gathered up his things and limped off, when a man smoking came hurrying along.
J. M. Bailey
7. But scarcely had his army landed in Asia, when sultan Solyman attacked them, and made a terrible slaughter.
8. Scarcely have you passed your door-step of your friend's house, when you can detect whether tastes presides within it or not.
S. Smiles
9. But scarcely had the charge of Pack proved successful, ere the French were again compelled by shells and cannon to evacuate this prize.
J. G. Lockhart
10. I had scarcely got round the hill when I perceived the giraffe surrounded by the dogs, and endeavouring to drive them away by heavy kickes.
四三 高商
11. Mrs. Reed hurried into the room, and had scarcely passed the threshold, when the tile fell to the hearth and broke into a dozen pieces.
N. N. R. IV.
12. He had scarcely formed his conclusion when he saw in the water a white object, which he knew was the boy's dress and then he plunged into the wild and roaring rapids.
U. R. IV.
13. Scarcely were the words out of his mouth before we heard a sort of whine over the other side of the pool, which was instantly answered by a loud coughing roar close to us.
H. R. Haggard
a sort of whine 泣くやうな聲。the other side 向側。
14. Little time was left to me for consideration, as the next moment a smart breeze began to agitate the taller trees. Two minutes has scarcely elapsed, when the whole forest before me was in fearful motion.
N. N. R. V.
Little time was left to me for consideration「考へる時間は殆ど私に殘されなかつた」「考へる時間は殆ど無かつた」假に left to me を there に改め見よ。as 故に。in fearful motion 恐ろしく動いて。
15. From this motive, I had scarce taken orders a year before I began to think seriously of matrimony, and chose my wife, as she did her wedding-gown, not for a fine glossy surface, but for such qualities as would wear well.
O. Goldsmith
taken orders 聖(僧)職に就く、牧師になる。did (=chose) 撰んだ。not......but なくして。wear もつ。
関口存男「新ドイツ語大講座 下」(4)
§4. Solch ein kleines Kind weiß von gar nichts. そんな 小さな子供は何も知らない。 一般的に「さような」という際には solch- を用います(英語の such )が、その用法には二三の場合が区別されます。まず題文...
久しぶりにプロレスの話を書く。 四月二十八日に行われたチャンピオン・カーニバルで大谷選手がケガをした。肩の骨の骨折と聞いている。ビデオを見る限り、大谷選手がリングのエプロンからリング下の相手に一廻転して体当たりをくわせようとしたようである。そのときの落ち方が悪く、堅い床に肩をぶつ...
ジョン・ラッセル・ファーンが1957年に書いたミステリ。おそらくファーンが書いたミステリのなかでももっとも出来のよい一作ではないか。 テリーという映写技師が借金に困り、とうとう自分が勤める映画館の金庫から金を盗むことになる。もともとこの映画館には泥棒がよく入っていたので、偽装する...