Wednesday, April 7, 2021


早稲田大學敎授 深澤裕次郎著



(p. 152-158)


(a) I do not deny (doubt, etc.) but        it is true.

(b) I do not deny (doubt, etc.) but that it is true.

(c) I do not deny (doubt, etc.) but what it is true.

     = I do not deny (doubt, etc.) that it is true



  Deny, doubt, despair, scruple, make no question 等否定の意を有する語の後に在る but, but that, but what は次の如く解す可し。

(a) But        |

(b) But that |    = that = こと

(c) But what | 

(c) は (b) の誤りて生じたる形なり。

[註一]茲に云ふ but that = that と次の例に於ける but (= except) that =that......not とを混同す可からず。

  I have no fear but that he will recover.

     =I have no fear that he will not recover.


     =I am sure that he will recover.


若し此場合に but that を that と見る時は

   I have no fear that he will recover.



[註二]茲に云ふ but that = that と次の例に於ける (a) but what (=but that) = that......not. (b) but what = except that (those) which と混同す可からず。

(a) I have no fear but what he will recover.

    = I have no fear that he will not recover.


(b) I did nothing but what I was told to do.

    = I did nothing except that which I was told to do.



1.  I cannot deny but that it is easy.



2.  It cannot be denied but he is a rascal.


3.  I will not deny but that it is a difficult thing.



4.  "Nor can I deny," continued he, "but I have an interest in being first to deliver this message, as I expect for my reward to be honoured with Miss Sophy's hand as a partner."

    O. Goldsmith


5.  I do not doubt but he is ill.


6.  Doubt not but he will be here.

    A. Ayres


7.  Who doubted but the catastrophe was over?

    T. Carlyle


8.  I doubt not but I shall find them tractable.



9.  I do not doubt but England is at present as polite a nation as any in the world.


    余は英國が現今世界中如何なる國民にも劣らぬ鄭重の國民なるを疑はず。 any (nation) 如何なる(國民)にも劣らぬ。

10. As he directed his looks and conversation to Olivia, it was no longer doubted but that she was the object that induced him to be our visitor.

    O. Goldsmith


induced him to be our visitor 彼を客たるやうにした

11. She addressed him by name, and hence he could not doubt but that she had to do with him; but who was this girl, and how did she know his name?

    V. Hugo


addressed him by name 名を呼んで言を掛けた。had to do with 「關係があつた」「用が有つた」。

12. "Lieutenant Rich," he added, addressing Brackenbury, "I have heard much of you of late; and I cannot doubt but you have also heard of me. I am Major O'Rooke."

    R. L. Stevenson


of late (=lately) 近頃。O'Rooke (O'Connell), O'Donnell, etc. は愛蘭起源のの名にして O は Gaelic の Mac. Norman の Fitz と同じく Son (子)の意也。

13. I have no doubt but that he will go.

    A. Ayres


14. We......have no doubt but it will yet spring up.



15. There is no reasonable doubt but that it is all it professes to be.

    A. Ayres


reasonable doubt 道理ある疑。

16. There can be no doubt but that the burglary is the work of professional cracksmen.

    N. Y. Herald


17. She had injured the man. Though she had done it most unwittingly, there could be no doubt but that she had injured him.

    A. Trollope


18. Had Japan been able to rest content with the sport of war, there is no doubt but that the edge of naval ambitions would have become unconsciously blunted.

    H.C.S. Wright.


Had Japan been = If Japan had been. rest content 甘んじて居る、安んじて居る。

19. The matter, however, so far concluded that there was no further question of police interferences, nor any doubt but that the lady, with husband, was to be allowed to leave Paris by the night train.

    A. Trollope


further questions この上の問題。

20. Be that as it may, there was little doubt but that he would have made a leap, as soon as the intervening fire had burned down; to its friendly presence, therefore, on this occasion, as a means of Providence, we owed our lives.

    U. R. IV.


Be that as it may (=however that may be) それはどう有らうとも。兎に角。to its friendly presence......we owed our lives 「幸にもその焚火有つたことに我々の生命を負うた」とは「幸にも焚火のあつた爲に命を拾うた」との意。as a means of Providence 天帝加護の一手段として。

21. In the concluding months of 1909 there was a sudden development in Tokyo and Yokohama of the use of solid rubber tyres for Jinrikishas, and there is little doubt but that the fashion will spread to nearly all the large towns in the provinces.



22. "He'll make a capital workman one of these days," she would probably say. "No fear but what Isaac will do well in the world and be a rich man before he dies."

    N. Hawthorne


one of these days いづれその中に。No fear but what = There is no fear that.

23. They questioned not but to strike terror into the Romans.

    W. Watton


24. There is no question but the King of Spain will reform the most of the abuses.

    J. Addison


to strike terror into を戦慄せしむ。

25. If he were not speedily relieved, no question but he must be speedily discovered.

    R. L. Stevenson


no question but の前に there is を補ひ見よ。

26. Had not my friend found this expedient to break the omen, I question not but half the women in the company would have fallen sick that very night.

    J. Addison


Had not my friend = If my friend had not. that very night 明朝とも云はず其晩直ぐに。

27. Amidst all the evils that threatened me, I will look up to him for help, and question not but He will either avert them, or turn them to my advantage.

    J. Addison


28. Among the several persons that flourish in this glorious reign, there is no question but such a future historian, as the person of whom I am speaking, will make mention of the men of genius and learning who have now any figure in the British nation.

    J. Addison


make mention of の事を語る。have any figure 頭角を現はして居る。

29. It is my design in this paper to deliver down to posterity a faithful account of the Italian opera, and of the gradual progress which it has made upon the English stage; for there is no question but our great-grand-children will be very curious to know the reason why their forefathers used to sit together like an audience of foreigners in their own country, and to hear whole plays acted before them in a tongue which they did not understand.

    J. Addison


関口存男「新ドイツ語大講座 下」(4)

§4.  Solch ein kleines Kind weiß von gar nichts. そんな 小さな子供は何も知らない。  一般的に「さような」という際には solch- を用います(英語の such )が、その用法には二三の場合が区別されます。まず題文...