8. when all is said and done
- when all is said
- when all is said and done
- after all is said and done
But when all is said, he was not the man to lead armaments of war, or direct the councils of a State.
R. L. Stevenson, New Arabian Nights
So, when all was said and done, whether kidnapped, as I preferred to believe, or in hiding, as the police suspected, Bérangère was nowhere to be found.
Maurice Leblanc, The Three Eyes (translated by Alexander Teixeira de Mattos)
My eldest brother had a son eighteen years old, and I had two stout boys of my own. These would have been of great assistance at such times, in using the sweeps, as well as afterward in fishing — but, somehow, although we ran the risk ourselves, we had not the heart to let the young ones get into the danger — for, after all is said and done, it was a horrible danger, and that is the truth.
E. A. Poe, "A Descent into the Maelstorom"