Friday, August 5, 2022


19. another + 複数名詞

  • I had to pay another ten dollars. 「もうあと十ドル払わなければならなかった」
  • We walked another four miles. 「さらに四マイル歩いた」

another が複数形の数量表現に冠せられることがある。


My mother and sister had spoken so many last words, and had begged me to wait another five minutes so many times, that it was nearly midnight when the servant locked the garden-gate behind me.

Wilkie Collins, The Woman in White



In another two minutes we were all three sucking the pulpy fruit. In an ordinary way we should have found it tasteless enough: as it was I thought it the most delicious thing I had ever tasted.

H. Rider Haggard, Allan's Wife



"In another ten years, at maturity, you will be completely acclimated to Mars. Its air will be your air; its food plants your food."

Frederic Brown, "Keep Out"


関口存男「新ドイツ語大講座 下」(4)

§4.  Solch ein kleines Kind weiß von gar nichts. そんな 小さな子供は何も知らない。  一般的に「さような」という際には solch- を用います(英語の such )が、その用法には二三の場合が区別されます。まず題文...