Wednesday, October 5, 2022


27. as it is (2)

  • If he were not ill he would attend the meeting. As it is, he stays at home. 「病気でなければ会合に出るのだが、しかしそうではないから(病気だから)家にいる」

as it is は前の文章の内容を受けて、「しかし実際はそうでないのであって」という意味で用いられることがある。


When the London carmen treat their wives as well as they treat their horses, I shall appreciate their sentiments of humanity; as it is, they only remind me of the love of the Turk for his dog. If, in the streets of Constantinople, you were seen to harm a dog, you would immediately have the populace at your heels; but you might serve a woman or child as badly as you pleased, and no one would think of interfering with you.

Max O'Rell, John Bull and his Island



 "For Heaven's sake, Dora," he said, quickly, "do look a little brighter; what will the countess think of you? You look like a frightened school girl."
 It was an injudicious speech. If Ronald had only caressed her, all would have been sunshine again; as it was, the first impatient words she had ever heard from him smote her with a new, strange pain, and the tears overflowed.

Charlotte M. Braeme, Dora Thorne



  これは高名な作品だから筋を知っている人は多いと思う。一応簡単に紹介すると…… 私立探偵リュー・アーチャーはミセス・サミュエル・ローレンスに行方不明になった娘を探してくれと頼まれる。アーチャーは彼女のあとを追って米国西海岸の裏社会、ヤクザやクスリの売人や売笑婦らの世界に足を踏み...