Friday, December 2, 2022


34. as if / as though (3)

  • He looks as pale as if he was sick.

仮定法では was ではなく、were を用いるのが普通だが、特に口語体では was が使われることも多い。


 "Do you know where he has come from?"
 "No, mum; but I think he's kind of a foreign gent. But he's very ill and looks as if he was going to die."

J. E. Muddock, Stories, weird and wonderful



 "You will have to sell it to a mug (flat) then," said one.
 I laughed as though I was quite prepared to do that, and thoroughly understood my business.

Joyce Emmerson Preston Muddock, "The Pearl Necklace"


 mug はスラングなのでわかりやすく flat 「まぬけ」の意味であると括弧内に示してある。


All at once a voice which was the more sinister because no one could be seen, and it seemed as if the darkness was speaking, shouted, "Who goes there?"

Vicotor Hugo, Les Misérables (translated by Lascelles Wraxall)



Als die Sonne aufging, wachten die drei Schläfer auf. Sofort sahen sie, wie 1 schön die Gestalt war. Jeder von ihnen verliebte sich in 2 d...