Thursday, March 2, 2023


46. back

  • He has no clothes to his back. 「彼には着る服がない」

back はもともと「背中」だけれど、提喩として「身体」の意味に用いられる。「パン」で「食べ物」をあらわすたぐいである。


...without clothing to his back or shoes to his feet...

Richard Henry Dana, Jr., Two Years Before the Mast



"There, if people can take the coat off your back they can't off mine,"....

George Sims, Memoirs of a Mother-in-Law



Moore has told the story of the over-fed, over-satisfied eastern despot, who sent a messenger to travel through the world, on order to find out the happiest man. When discovered, the messenger was immediately to seize him, take his shirt off his back, and bring it to the Caliph.

Samuel Smiles, Thrift


関口存男「新ドイツ語大講座 下」(4)

§4.  Solch ein kleines Kind weiß von gar nichts. そんな 小さな子供は何も知らない。  一般的に「さような」という際には solch- を用います(英語の such )が、その用法には二三の場合が区別されます。まず題文...