Friday, October 6, 2023


77. don't care if

  • I don't care if I go. 「わたしは行ってもかまわないよ」

「かまわない」という意味からさらに進んで「喜んで行く」の意味にもなる。don't mind if の形も用いられる。


"To tell you a truth, Master Thornhill, I never either loved you or liked you, and I don't care if I tell you now a piece of my mind."

Oliver Goldsmith, The Vicar of Wakefield



"Are you going up to the Cripples, Fagin?" cried the little man, calling after him. "Stop! I don't mind if I have a drop there with you!"

Charles Dickens, Oliver Twist

その小男は彼の背中にむかって呼びかけた。「フェーギン、足なえ亭に行くのか? 待てよ。おれも貴様と一杯やってもいいぜ」


 "Then you can take him to his parents?" asked the mason who had listened with real interest to the little boy's account.
 "I don't care if I do," replied he; "it's the way I'm going."

Émile Souvestre, An Attic Philosopher in Paris



161. hence / whence 基本表現と解説 The real nature of Roentgen rays is unknown: hence the name X-rays. 「レントゲン線の実体は不明である。それゆえエックス線の名がある」 hence ...