Sunday, February 4, 2024


96. my death / the death of me

  • You will be my death.
  • You will be the death of me.



"Ha! ha! ha! — ha! ha! ha! — ho! ho! ho!" roared our visitor, profoundly amused, "O Dupin, you will be the death of me yet!"

E. A. Poe, "The Purloined Letter"

客は腹の底から大笑いした。「ハハハ! ホホホ! デュパン、わたしを笑い死にさせる気か」

 この未来形の you will be the death of me yet も慣用的に使われる。yet は「いつか」「将来」「おまえがこんな振る舞いを続ければ」といったニュアンス。


But as they went down to supper between ten and eleven he was more subdued, and merely remarked that this journey would, he was sure, be the death of him.

Anthony Trollope, Christmas at Thompson Hall



"I've been lamed with orange-peel once, and I know orange-peel will be my death, or I'll be content to eat my own head, sir!"

Charles Dickens, Oliver Twist



Als die Sonne aufging, wachten die drei Schläfer auf. Sofort sahen sie, wie 1 schön die Gestalt war. Jeder von ihnen verliebte sich in 2 d...