112. never so / ever so (2)
- Home is home, though it be never so homely.
- Home is home, be it ever so homely.
「いかに粗末でも家は家」。譲歩を示す節のなかで使われる場合は never so と ever so は「いかに……であっても」の意味と解される。never so の形のほうが文語的響きを持つ。
She would trust him as a brother, and his words should be sweet to her were they ever so severe.
Anthony Trollope, The Vicar of Bullhampton
Grammarians differ with regard to the correctness of using never in such sentences as, "He is in error, though never so wise," "Charm he never so wisely." In sentences like these, to say the least, it is better, in common with the great majority of writers, to use ever.
Alfred Ayres, The Verbalist
文法学者はつぎのような文章における never の用法の正しさに関して意見が割れている。「彼はいかに賢くとも誤っている」「彼はたくみに呪文を唱える」。このような文章においては大多数の人がするように ever を用いたほうがよろしいといわざるをえない。
註 "Charm he never so wisely" は聖書の詩編の言葉。
Betide what may, we will not despair, were the world never so unfriendly.
James Anthony Froude, Thomas Carlyle