Friday, October 11, 2024


139. 仕草の表現

  • He clasped and unclasped his hands nervously. 「おどおどと手を握ったり開いたりした」
  • He entered softly with his finger on his lips. 「指を唇にあててそっと入った」
  • He rubbed his hands and chuckled with delight. 「喜んで揉み手をしたり笑ったりした」
  • He scratched his old head in utter perplexity. 「さっぱりわけがわからず頭をかいた」
  • The old lady shook her head with deep gravity. 「きわめて厳格に頭をふった」
  • He gave his huge shoulders an insolent shrug. 「大きな肩を傲然とすくめた」
  • The wretch stamped and swore with fierce rage. 「烈火の如くに怒って地団太踏んだり、悪口をいったりした」
  • The man threw up his hands in fervent prayer. 「双手を挙げて熱心に祈った」
  • Without answering, he tossed his proud head. 「返事をしないで傲然と頭をそびやかした」
  • The man raised his big eyes and winked at me. 「大きな眼を挙げて、わたしに目配せした」
  • He talked and whistled to himself carelessly. 「なにげなく独り言を言ったり、口笛を吹いたりした」
  • The lady wrung her hands in helpless despair. 「絶望いかんともしがたく手を握り絞った」

最後の wring one's hands は両手を合わせてひねったり、寒いときにする揉み手のような仕草。


She could say no more, but sat down, nervously twisting and untwisting her fingers.

Dinah Mulock Craik, John Halifax, Gentleman



"Still, the East End is a very important problem," remarked Sir Thomas, with a grave shake of his head.

Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray



He prayed to his Father while he was upon the cross; he could not lift up his hands, but he could speak to God. He prayed for these wicked people, and said, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.

Mrs. Favell Lee Mortimer, The Peep of Day



140. go so far as 基本表現と解説 I went so far as Shanghai. 「上海まで行った」 At last he went so far as to draw his sword. 「ついに佩剣を抜くにまでいたった」 go so fa...