Wednesday, March 5, 2025


161. hence / whence

  • The real nature of Roentgen rays is unknown: hence the name X-rays. 「レントゲン線の実体は不明である。それゆえエックス線の名がある」

hence は from this reason とか therefore の意味。hence の代わりに whence も用いられる。


A Woman too often Reasons from her Heart — hence Two-thirds of her Mistakes and her Troubles. A Man of Genius, too, often Reasons from his Heart — hence, also, Two-thirds of his Troubles and Mistakes.

Edward Bulwer Lytton, What Will He Do With It?



 "May I ask whether you have any professional inquiry on foot at present?"
 “None. Hence the cocaine. I cannot live without brainwork."

Arthur Conan Doyle, The Sign of the Four



Summer and winter the English woman takes a cold bath every morning; whence her fresh complexion, her vigour, and her resplendent look of health.

Max O'Rell, John Bull and His Island



62. Who knows but (that / what) 基本表現と解説 Who knows but (that / what) he did it? 「おそらく彼がやったのだろう」 but that は that...not ということ、つまり例文は Who k...