早稲田大學敎授 深澤裕次郎著
(p. 1-3)
I made an acquaintance of a Mr. Kate.
I made an acquaintance of a certain Mr. Kate.
I made an acquaintance of one Mr. Kate.
A Mr. (Mrs., etc.).......
A certain Mr. (Mrs., etc.)......
One Mr. (Mrs., etc.)......
= A man (woman, etc.) named Mr. (Mrs., etc.)......
1. The murdered lady was a Mrs. Clowbury.
G. R. Sims
2. Many years ago, I contracted an intimacy with a Mr. William Legland.
E. A. Poe
3. It is the likeness of a dead friend -- a Mr. Oldeb -- to whom I became much attached at Calcutta, during the administration of Warren Hastings.
E. A. Poe
4. She explained that the foreign gentleman was a Signor Moroni, who was a singing master, and that he had been trying to induce her to join a concert company which he was forming.
G. R. Sims
Signor 伊太利語の Mr. なり。
5. If it were necessary, he would see the strange gentleman -- whom he now ascertained to be a certain Mr. Jones, returning from the east of Europe.
A. Trollope
6. I have had what is called a challenge sent to me this morning. It is from a certain Jacko, who is a suitor to a Miss Vapour, and has taken offence at an expression of mine to her respecting him.
H. H. Brackenridge
has taken offense at を聞いて怒つた。
7. This trait of British obstinacy showed itself clearly in the course of the famous trial of Dr. Eliot, charged with committing a murderous assault on a Miss Boidell.
E. V. Heward
showed itself 現はれた。in the course of 中に
8. Residing in Paris during the spring and part of the summer of 18--, I there became acquainted with a Monsieur C. Auguste Dupin.
E. A. Poe
became acquainted with 親しくなった。Monsieur 佛語の Mr. なり。
9. I am an old resident in this neighborhood, sir, and I never heard of a Mrs. Rochester at Thornfield Hall.
C. Bronte
10. "Pretty much, but not altogether," said Legrand. "You may have heard of one Captain Kidd."
E. A. Poe
11. I am one John Duddlestone, sir, only a bodice maker, and I pray you not to take it amiss if I asked you and the gentleman who is with you, to come to my humble home, where you will be most welcome.
N. N. R. IV.
to take it amiss 惡く思ふ。
関口存男「新ドイツ語大講座 下」(4)
§4. Solch ein kleines Kind weiß von gar nichts. そんな 小さな子供は何も知らない。 一般的に「さような」という際には solch- を用います(英語の such )が、その用法には二三の場合が区別されます。まず題文...
久しぶりにプロレスの話を書く。 四月二十八日に行われたチャンピオン・カーニバルで大谷選手がケガをした。肩の骨の骨折と聞いている。ビデオを見る限り、大谷選手がリングのエプロンからリング下の相手に一廻転して体当たりをくわせようとしたようである。そのときの落ち方が悪く、堅い床に肩をぶつ...
ジョン・ラッセル・ファーンが1957年に書いたミステリ。おそらくファーンが書いたミステリのなかでももっとも出来のよい一作ではないか。 テリーという映写技師が借金に困り、とうとう自分が勤める映画館の金庫から金を盗むことになる。もともとこの映画館には泥棒がよく入っていたので、偽装する...