Sunday, March 3, 2019


早稲田大學敎授 深澤裕次郎著

(p. 9-11)

(a) She shut the door of her own accord.
(b) The door shut of its own accord.
(a) 彼女は自ら戸を閉めた。
(b) 戸はひとりでに閉つた。

Of one's own accord.
-- Of one's own free will.
(Accord -- will; volition; choice; assent; voluntary or spontaneous impulse or act)

(a) 己の心より。己の自由意志より。自ら進んで。
(b) 自然に。おのづから。ひとりでに。

 本來は (a) の如く有生物の有意的動作に用ひしものなれども轉じて (b) の如く無生物の無意的動作にも用ひらるゝに至れり。

1.  She acts of her own accord and free will, and is, I imagine, prepared to meet the consequences of her actions.
    Max O'Rell
2.  "I wear the chain I forged in life," replied the Ghost. "I made it link by link, and yard by yard; I girded it on of my own free will, and of my own free will I wore it. Is its pattern strange to you?
    C. Dickens
3.  Were I worthy to be quit of it, it would fall away of its own nature, or be transformed into something that should speak a different purport.
    N. Hawthorne



1.  He is as proud as Lucifer, and would never have done it of his own accord.
    F. W. Farrarr
  as proud as Lucifer「甚だしく傲慢不遜なる」と云ふ成句なり、Lucifer は傲慢不遜なる Babylon 王 Nebuchadnezzar に與へられたる名也。
2.  She smiled, and a little while after she began talking to me of her own accord.
3.  She went to him of her own accord, after saying No, over and over again, when he asked her.
    W. Collins
  over and over again 再三再四
4.  It ended in my flatly declining to mention the subject to Laura, unless she first approached it of her own accord.
    W. Collins
5.  If turned on its back, the frog would promptly and vigorously right itself -- but it would never move of its own accord.
    N. Y. Herald
  on its back 仰向けに。right itself 起き直る。


6.  The wind blew it to, or it shut of its own accord; one or the other.
    C. Dickens
  blew it to「風が其戸を吹いて閉めた」to の次には its place の如き語を補ひて解す可し。
7.  Will it [= the scarlet letter] come of its own accord when I am a woman grown?
    N. Hawthorne
  It は Hester Prynne と云ふ女が犯罪の印として胸に縫ひ着け居る A と云ふ赤き文字なり。
8.  I knew that the road turned of its own accord a half-mile farther on, and so I determined to wait.
    C. B. Loomis
9.  Of their own accord, those dear arms clasped themselves round me; of ther own accord, the sweet lips came to meet mine.
    W. Collins
10. He pushes the door well open, and holds it so, and then tries whether it can fall to again of its own accord, and so make a prisoner of him.
    The Duchess
  fall to の次には 6 の blew it to に於けるが如く its place を補ひ見よ。make a prisoner of を擒にす。
11. But, leaving this tide out of the question, it may be said that very few human bodies will sink at all, even in fresh water, of their own accord.
    E. A. Poe
  fresh water 淡水(海水は salt water なり)。

関口存男「新ドイツ語大講座 下」(4)

§4.  Solch ein kleines Kind weiß von gar nichts. そんな 小さな子供は何も知らない。  一般的に「さような」という際には solch- を用います(英語の such )が、その用法には二三の場合が区別されます。まず題文...