早稲田大學敎授 深澤裕次郎著
(p. 21-23)
But when all is said, he is the greatest statesman of the age.
But When all is said and done, he is the greatest statesman of the age.
But after all said and done, he is the greatest statesman of the age.
When all is said
When all is said and done
After all said and done
= When everything is explained
= After all
1. But when all is said, he was not the man to lead armaments of war, or direct the councils of a State.
R. L. Stevenson
2. And, when all is said, it is no great contention, since, by her own avowal, she began to love me on the morrow.
R. L. Stevenson
3. And when all was said and done I did not like this tale of the presence of Hendrika with countless hosts of baboons.
H. R. Haggard
4. As I said to Mrs. Pennyfeather, young women may be very well in their way, but when all is said and done, they are not as nice as the old ones.
E. F. Fowler
in their way「彼等は彼等で」「若い女は若い女で」。
5. These would have been of great assistance at such times, in using the sweeps, as well as afterwards in fishing -- somehow, although we ran the risk ourselves, we had not the heart to let young ones get into danger -- for, after all said and done, it was horrible danger, and that is the truth.
E. A. Poe
ran the risk 危險を冒した
6. But a phrenologist is a hundred thousand times worse. His sole object is to discover that one's head is a mass of abnormal excrescenses -- all lumps, and bumps and humps. Oh! it's disgusting, dear -- positively disgusting! And when all is said and done, he doesn't pretend to tell more than one's character. Now, don't care a fig for my character.
H. C. Pemberton
併し骨相學者の方はそれよりはどの位いやなものだか知れやしない。骨相學者の目的つたら、人の頭が病的突起の塊だとか――やれ、痰瘤の力つ瘤のつて、そんな事ばかし捜し出すんだもの。おゝ、いやな事! さうしてそんなに大騷ぎした所で分るつて云ふのは人の性質丈だもの。所がわたしや、性質なんてもなあどうでもいいの。
don't care a fig 「少しも構はぬ」a fig は「少しも」なり、pin, rush, cent, button , rap 等もこの意味に用ひらる。
関口存男「新ドイツ語大講座 下」(4)
§4. Solch ein kleines Kind weiß von gar nichts. そんな 小さな子供は何も知らない。 一般的に「さような」という際には solch- を用います(英語の such )が、その用法には二三の場合が区別されます。まず題文...
久しぶりにプロレスの話を書く。 四月二十八日に行われたチャンピオン・カーニバルで大谷選手がケガをした。肩の骨の骨折と聞いている。ビデオを見る限り、大谷選手がリングのエプロンからリング下の相手に一廻転して体当たりをくわせようとしたようである。そのときの落ち方が悪く、堅い床に肩をぶつ...
ジョン・ラッセル・ファーンが1957年に書いたミステリ。おそらくファーンが書いたミステリのなかでももっとも出来のよい一作ではないか。 テリーという映写技師が借金に困り、とうとう自分が勤める映画館の金庫から金を盗むことになる。もともとこの映画館には泥棒がよく入っていたので、偽装する...