早稲田大學敎授 深澤裕次郎著
(p. 63-65)
Let it remain as it is for a while.
Let matters remain as they are for a while.
As …… is (was, are, were, etc.)
1. The eyes of my soul were opened, and I beheld my chamber as it actually was.
H. Gautier
2. "Don't scold him now, father," whispered Martin to his father; "he's very miserable as it is."
Dean Farrar
3. "Hold your jaw, old one!" he shouted. "Can't you die in a quiet way? You've lived a deal too long as it is."
「靜かにしやがれ、老いぼれめ! おとなしく死ねねえのか、いゝ加減にくだばつちまへ」。
4. After this my lord ever spoke of King William as he was -- as one of the wisest, the bravest, and the greatest of men.
W. M. Thackeray
5. "Now, then!" growled Sikes, as Oliver started up; "half-past five! Look sharp, or you'll get no breakfast; for it's late as it is."
C. Dickens
Look sharp (=be quick)早くせよ。as it is 今でも。
6. My infirmity and the kindness of the president have procured me these little immunities, for which I pay at an advanced rate. Even as it is, my luck has been extraordinary.
R. L. Stevenson
these little immunities 倶樂部に毎晩出席せなくともよいといふこと。
7. So the lamp was out in the Castlewood Hall, and the lord and lady saw each other as they were.
W. M. Thackeray
8. We must take things as they are, we cannot make them what we would, nor often what they should be.
9. Part of Grant's great strength lay in the fact that he faced facts as they were, and not as he wished they might be.
T. Roosevelt
Part は「一部」。斯く冠詞 a を附せざるを常とす。Grant は Ulysses Simpson Grant (1822-1885)米國十八代大統領。
10. I could not but think what a beautiful young man he must have been before he had learned to accept things as they are.
C. Doyle
could not but (=except) think (=could not help thinking) ~ざるを得なかつた。
11. Let us ascend into the skies. Taking balloons as they are, "for better, for worse," let us for once have an aerial flight.
"Household Words"
"for better, for worse"「吉凶に何事が起らうとも」(××の××の語)
註 ×の部分は活字がつぶれて読み取れなかった。
12. To realize this fact, however, one must get his eyes down to the plane in which he lives. He must learn to see things as they are and to approximate their value.
N. Y. Herald
関口存男「新ドイツ語大講座 下」(4)
§4. Solch ein kleines Kind weiß von gar nichts. そんな 小さな子供は何も知らない。 一般的に「さような」という際には solch- を用います(英語の such )が、その用法には二三の場合が区別されます。まず題文...
久しぶりにプロレスの話を書く。 四月二十八日に行われたチャンピオン・カーニバルで大谷選手がケガをした。肩の骨の骨折と聞いている。ビデオを見る限り、大谷選手がリングのエプロンからリング下の相手に一廻転して体当たりをくわせようとしたようである。そのときの落ち方が悪く、堅い床に肩をぶつ...
ジョン・ラッセル・ファーンが1957年に書いたミステリ。おそらくファーンが書いたミステリのなかでももっとも出来のよい一作ではないか。 テリーという映写技師が借金に困り、とうとう自分が勤める映画館の金庫から金を盗むことになる。もともとこの映画館には泥棒がよく入っていたので、偽装する...