Wednesday, January 8, 2020


早稲田大學敎授 深澤裕次郎著

(p. 70-72)

(a) As long as gardens have flowers and the world has beautiful and amiable women, so long will life be worth living.
    Max O'Rell

(b) I beseech you to remember that, as surely oxygen feeds the fire of life, so surely does carbonic-acid put it out.
    C. Kingsley

(a) 花園に花の絶えざる限り、嬋娟温雅なる婦人のこの世に絶えざる限り、吾人は生を營む價値ある可し。

(b) 酸素が生命の火を養ふ如く炭酸瓦斯は之を消すものだと云ふ事を記憶して貰ひたい。

解説, の so.... は初の As....(as) を強むる爲に反復したるものにして as よりも語氣強き so を用ひたるも之が爲めなり。されば上掲 so long, so surely は初の As long, as surely を反復したるものにして假に so long を省き will を life の後に置き、so surely と does とを省き
(a) As long as gardens have flowers and the world has beautiful and amiable women life will be worth living.
(b) I beseech you to remember that, as surely oxgen feeds the fire of life carbonic-acid puts it out.


1.  As surely as the force which moves a clock's hands is derived from the arm which winds up the clock, so surely is all terrestrial power drawn from the sun.
    J. Tindal

2.  I speak as a dead man now, and I warn you, father, that as surely as you must one day stand before your Maker, so surely shall your children be there, hand in hand, to cry for judgment against you.
    C. Dickens

3.  Just as neat and clean as are the women of the middle and working classes, just so ignoble and filthy are women of the lower classes.
    Max O'Rell

4.  So long as such conditions exist, and so long as mankind essays, through choice or necessity, to cope with them, just so long will neurasthenia continue to occur, unless in process of evolution the human species becomes more able to resist these factors.
    New York Herald

5.  Nations who are thus enslaved at heart cannot be freed by any mere changes of master or of institutions; and so long as the fatal delusion prevails that liberty sorely depends upon and consists in government, so long will such changes, no matter at what cost they may be effected, has as little practical and lasting result as the shifting of the figures in a phantasmagoria.
    S. Smiles

関口存男「新ドイツ語大講座 下」(4)

§4.  Solch ein kleines Kind weiß von gar nichts. そんな 小さな子供は何も知らない。  一般的に「さような」という際には solch- を用います(英語の such )が、その用法には二三の場合が区別されます。まず題文...