Saturday, February 8, 2020


早稲田大學敎授 深澤裕次郎著

(p. 75-88)

(a) He looks as if he were sick.
(b) He looks as if to turn back.
(c) He looks as if expecting something.
(d) He looked as if dumbfounded at the sight.
(e) He looked restless and uneasy as if from fear.
    Etc. etc.

(a) He looks as though he were sick.
(b) He looks as though to turn back.
(c) He looks as though expecting something.
(d) He looked as though dumbfounded at the sight.
(e) He looked restless and uneasy as though from fear.
    Etc. etc.

I & II
(a) 彼は病氣のやうに見える。
(b) 彼は後戻りするやうに見える。
(c) 彼は何か待て居るやうに見える。
(d) 彼はそれを見て吃驚したやうに見えた。
(e) 彼は怖るゝ所が有るやうに落着かない樣子であつた。

(1) As if
(2) As though
(1) (2) 共に As の次には If, though 以下の Dependent Clause に對する Principal Clause の省略有り。例へば
He looks as if he were sick.
He looks as pale as if he were sick.
He looks as though he were sick.
He looks as pale as though he were sick.


He looks as he would look if he were sick.
He looks as pale as he would look if he were sick.
He looks as he would not look though he were sick.
He looks as pale as he would not look though he were sick.

となる、また if, though の次には之に依りて導かるゝ Clause 中の Subject と Verb とを省略することあり。例

1.  He looks as if (though) confident of his success.
2.  He looks as if (though) expecting something.
3.  He looks as if (though) dumbfounded.
4.  He looks as if (though) to speak.
5.  He shivered as if (though) from cold.

1.より3.までは if, though の次に he were を、4.は he were 又は he were going を、5.は he shivered を略せるものと解す可し。

猶又 if, though に依りて導かるゝ Clause 中の Verb は Subjunctive なるが故に were を用ふるを正しとすれども Indicative の was を用ふることもあり、談話語に於て特に然りとす。例えば
  He looks as if (though) he was sick.
    He looks as pale as if (though) he was sick.

1.  You look as if you had seen a ghost.
    C. Doyle
2.  He recoiled as if he had seen a ghost.
    J. G. Muddock
3.  You look as if you were taking me to a funeral.
    H. James
4.  I threw myself out as if I have been an old hat.
    T. B. Aldrich
5.  I was as grieved as if it had been my blood-relation.
    V. Hugo
6.  It seemed to her as if the end of the world had come.
    V. Hugo
7.  A little way off it looks as if the top were a cluster of red flowers.
    N. E. R. IV
8.  He carried his sixty years as if they had been fewer than forty.
    W. Collins
9.  This name made him start as if a flash of lightning had passed before his eyes.
    V. Hugo
10. He fancied himself stronger than he really was, and that he could play with the lion as if it were a mouse.
    V. Hugo
11. Without more words, he threw his companion the maple stick, and was speedily out of sight as if he had vanished into the deepening gloom.
    N. Hawthorne

12. The golden skirts of day were yet lingering upon the hills, but deep shades obscured the hollow and the pool, as if sombre night were rising thence to overspread the world.
    N. Hawthorne
13. And now at last he raises his eyes. Slowly at first and cringingly, as if dreading what he might see.
    The Duchess

14. "Is it true that I am at liberty" he said, in an almost inarticulate voice, and as if speaking in his sleep.
    V. Hugo

15. She trembled, and cast her eyes upward to the verge of the basin, as if meditating to return with her purpose unaccomplished.
    N. Hawthorne

16. Some stood bolt upright as if expecting something, and others lolled against the boxes as if they were dolls propped up, and which the least movement would knock down.
    L. R. IV.
  bolt upright 矢の樣に眞直に。直立して。the least movement 一寸動いても

17. Javert explored the gardens and fields as if looking for needle, and at daybreak he left two intelligent men on duty, and returned to the Prefecture of Police, looking as hang-dog as a spy captured by a robber.
    V. Hugo
  on duty 張番

18. In spite of himself, his eyes turned again and again, as if fascinated, to the gun over the mantel.
    Munsey's Magazine
  In spite of himself (=in spite of his effor not to do so) さうすまいと思つても。

19. She looked as if stunned at the person who was speaking, and could only sob two or three times, "Oh, oh, oh!"
    V. Hugo
  at the act 其行を見て。

20. Presently he entered, and hesitating, as if horrorstruck at the act, sprinkled some powder on the spot in which the peas were cooking.
    G. P. Quackenbos

21. The lids clenched themselves together as if in a spasm.
    E. A. Poe

22. His hair had blanched, his face was pallid and wrinkled, his eyes were restless as if from fear.
    J. E. Muddock

23. Torrents of rain poured down, soaking me to the skin; thunder crashed and my poor horse galloped as if for life.

24. An officer, as if by chance, left the paper on the table by which the suspected spy was sitting, and went out for a few moments.
    G. P. Quackenbos

25. Androcles expected nothing else than to be at once torn to pieces; but, to his great surprise, the animal came towards him as if in pain, and with a low moan seemed to beg for pity and help.
    L. R. IV.
   nothing else than (=nothing less than=only) よりも外には何をも(期待しなかつた)。をのみ(期待した)。to his great surprise 「非常に驚いた事には」。結果を表はす Adverbial Phrase なり。

26. We repeatedly saw one on each side of it as he held it nearly vertically and gave the fan a short quick motion; then one butterfly would pass over to the other, both would wheel away as if in play, and again return.
    S. Osborn

27. But Phileas Fogg was as cool and collected as if he were in no way concerned in the matter.
    Jules Verne

28. You were as thoroughly removed from the habitable parts of the castle as if you were in the next country.
    The Duchess

29. The shopman slightly raised his head, with an air of deep abstraction, and resumed his entry with as much deliberation as if he were engraving.
    C. Dickens

30. She opened her lips as if to speak, and, at the thought of what lay at her tongue's tip, her face grew red.
    A. Hope

31. Old Shag, the dog, stood by, wagging his tail and looking up into Malcom's face as if to say, "Yes, master, I will take good care of. Let him go."
    N. N. R. IV.

32. Farm-houses, with roofs like great slouched hats pulled over their eyes, stand on wooden legs, with a tucked up sort of air, as if to say, "We intend to keep dry if we can."
    N. N. R. IV.

33. The surgeon gazed, for a moment, on the black veil, as if to ascertain the expression of the features beneath it; its thickness, however, rendered such a result impossible.
    C. Dickens

34. "Thankee, Sir, Thankee," returned Sailor Ben, looking as guilty as if he had been detected in picking a pocket.
    T. B. Aldrich
  Thankee は thank thee の一緒になりたるものにして thank you と同意なり。

35. So they set this great queen on her throne, in the presence of the court, with her nose as bright as if it had caught fire.
    P. Parley

36. She watched for the youth's appearance, and flew to his side with confidence as unreserved as if they had been playmates from early infancy -- as if they were such playmates still.
    N. Hawthorne

37. Many of these holes are as round and as cleanly cut as if they had been made with an augur.
    Mark Twain

38. There are careless things which are said in general conversation, but which often have as much apparent weight as if they had been well considered.

39. I am as sure of it as if he had whispered his secrets in my ear, and down in my numb, cold heart a warm little spring of hope began to bubble and run.
    C. Doyle

40. "You are afraid?"
    "Do I look as if I was?"
    W. Collins

41. "No, mum; but I think he's kind of a foreign gent. But he's very ill and looks as if he was going to die."
    J. E. Muddock

42. Thus, after a while, it seemed as if the liberty of the country was connected with Liberty Tree.
    N. Hawthorne

43. It would seem as if the day of general doom was come, and the utensils of the house were dragged forth to judgment.
    F. Hopkinson

44. His face was stolid and immovable, but the smoke came out in streams from under his moustache as if fire was smouldering there.

45. All at once a voice which was the more sinister because no one could be seen, and it seemed as if the darkness itself was speaking, shouted, -- "Who goes there?"
    V. Hugo

46. Retribution was at hand, and, with a desparing effort to escape by diving, I bumped my head smartly against the wall, and woke up feeling as if there was an earthquake under the bed.
    N. N. R. IV

47. You seem to know as much about it as if you were there.
    C. Doyle

48. I remember how it happened as well as if it were yesterday.

49. But the smile is forced, and Arthur Dynecourt, watching her, reads her heart as easily as it were an open book.
    The Duchess

50. The electric telegraph enables us to communicate with friends at the other side of the world, almost as rapidly and as easily as if they were in different parts of the same town.


51. I laughed as though I was quite prepared to do that, and thoroughly understood my business.
    D. Donovan

52. They heeded him not, and again he changed his direction, and, as though he was about to skate into their midst, followed the wolves.
    N. N. R. IV

53. I sat down, feeling as though I could cry like a woman.
    H. R. Haggard

54. "I feel as though I were going to die," he answered hoarsely.
    H. R. Haggard

55. I woke with a feeling as though the blessed rain were falling on my face and head.
    H. R. Haggard

56. I felt a movement of air above me as though the woman of my vision turned quickly, and once again I opened my eyes.

57. He struggled for awhile with himself, as though he were on the point of giving way to anger, but prudence had the best of the controversy.
    R. L. Stevenson
    on the point of...せんとして。give way(=yield)「屈す」(堪へられずに遂に怒りたり、との意)。had the best of に勝つた。

58. Then he thrice snorted louder than before, and moved up his knee uneasily beneath the clothes as though the sharpness of the mustard were already working on his skins.
    A. Trollope

59. To me this nugget of bright crystal is as loathsome as though it were crawling with the worms of death; it is as shocking as though it were compacted out of innocent blood.
    R. L. Stevenson

60. He started back as though he had been stung.
    H. R. Haggard

61. "Look there," he returned, nodding with his head, as though he had been afraid to point.
    R. L. Stevenson

62. The blue bells looked as though they had just been gathered.
    C. M. Breame

63. I felt nothing, but, to my sight, it seemed as though it had passed through me.
    H. R. Haggard

64. It seemed to her as though she had passed a night among these miseries.
    A. Trollope

65. Stealthily he follows as though fearful of being seen.
    The Duchess

66. The Durande had dashed upon the rock as though attacking it.
    V. Hugo

67. He bowed his head very slightly, as though acknowledging the compliment and then down she dropped her veil.
    A. Trollope

68. Is it some vague shadowy sense of danger that makes him stand now as though hesitating? A quick shiver runs through his veins.
    The Duchess

69. Sieur Clubin said in a low voice, as though speaking to himself, -- "That was quickly done."
    V. Hugo

70. Once again she put her hand out as though to return to the bed.
    A. Trollope

71. Then she waved her hands as though to keep some dreadful thing off, and fell back dead!
    G. R. Sims

72. All this corner of the old tower is wrapped in darkness, as though to obscure the scene of terrible crimes of past centuries.
    The Duchess

73. In two minutes we were wet through up to the thighs, as wet as though we had waded through water.
    H. R. Haggard

74. There was no need for caution; the lion was as dead as though he had already been stuffed with straw.
    H. R. Haggard

75. She smiled as though charmed with the picture.
    M. Clay

76. Her hads were white and delicate, as though carved in ivory.
    M. Clay

77. The clump was in motion, and the lantern swung as though carried by men walking.
    R. L. Stevenson

78. The silhouette of the house was outlined against the vague lividness of the sky, as though stamped out with a punch.
    V. Hugo

79. He had been crouching there, and now arouse as though by magic.
    H. R. Haggard

80. The man dropped his head on his breast for a minute as though in thought.
    H. R. Haggard

81. Instantly they stopped their hideous clamour as though at a word of command.
    H. R. Haggard

関口存男「新ドイツ語大講座 下」(4)

§4.  Solch ein kleines Kind weiß von gar nichts. そんな 小さな子供は何も知らない。  一般的に「さような」という際には solch- を用います(英語の such )が、その用法には二三の場合が区別されます。まず題文...