Sunday, March 15, 2020


早稲田大學敎授 深澤裕次郎著

(p. 92-101)

(a) Stormy as it was, we tried to pitch our tents.
(b) Stormy though it was, we tried to pitch our tents.

(a) Stormy as it was,......
    =Stormy though it was,......
(b) Stormy though it was, ......
(b)|=Though it was storymy,......

 この Clause は Complex Sentence の Dependent Clause にして Verb の Complement となるものは (1)Noun (2)Adverb (3)Adjective (4)Past Participle なり、而て Conjunction の "as" は "though" の意に解す可し。例

(1) Physician |as    | he was, he was quite at a
    loss what to do.
(2) Carefully |as    | he lifted it, the vase fell
    to a thousand pieces.
(3) Late |as    | it was, he stared at once.
(4) Deprived |as    | he was of all his weapons,
    he would not give in.

〔註一〕(b) は though を初に置き、Though it was stormy,......と云ふ普通の形に改むる事を得れども (a) は之を改めて As (=though) it was stormy,......となす事能はざるはもと Be it as stormy as it was (=Though it was stormy) と云ふ形が略されて (Be it as) stormy as it was となりたるものなるが故なり。若し (a) を改めて As it was stormy,......とする時は as は though の意を示さずして since, because (故に)の意となる。

(a) Stormy as it was, we pitched our tents.
   =Stormy though it was, we pitched our tents.
   =Though it was stormy, we pitched our tents.
(b) Stormy as it was, we could not pitch our tents.
   =As it was stormy, we could not pitch our tents.
   =Since it was stormy, we could not pitch our tents.

  Stormy as it was の as の though の意なりや、將た since の意なりやは文意に依りて定むるの外なし。例

  It was too far to go for me, weak and ill as I was.
  C. Doyle

 Taken as I was by surprise, I confess that astonishment and terror so far mastered all my faculties that, without daring to cast a second glance towards the apparition, I walked rapidly back into the garden.
  L. R. V.

〔註二〕(1) の場合に於ける Noun には Article を附せず。

1.  Child as he was, he was desperate with hunger, and reckless misery.
    C. Dickens
  desperate 必死、夢中。reckless 向う見ず、前後のわきまへなし

2.  "Nay, I only meant that, girl as she is, she is evidently accustomed to what is called 'society.'"
    Mrs. Craik

3.  Lawyer as he was to the very marrow of his bones, I startled him out of his professional composure.
    W. Collins
  to the very marrow of his bones 「骨髄までも」「頭の底までも」。startled him out of 驚かして……を失はせた。

4.  Strong man as he was, his eyes grew dim with tears and his lips trembled with deep-drawn bitter sob.
    M. Clay

5.  Republican as he was, the young American took off his hat with almost a sentiment of devotion to the retreating carriage.
    R. L. Stevenson

6.  Following the line of his outstretched hand, my eyes fell upon a sight that made me jump, old hunter as I was in those days.
    H. R. Haggard
  Following the line of his outstretched hand 伸ばした手の線を辿つて。my eyes fell upon 認めた。

7.  Much as sheep look alike, there is a difference between them, and John knows one from another.
    四二 大阪高工
  knows one from another 甲と乙との區別が分る。

8. But, dearly as he loved liberty, there was one thing he loved even more,--Regulus loved his native land.
    S. R. III.
  even more 更に多く。

9.  But, little as he said, his whole face beamed with pride and pleasure. It was, in truth, a great step forward.
    Mrs. Craik
  whole face 顔ぢゆう。in truth 實に

10. Little as I had seen of him by the shifting light of the lantern on the links, I had no difficulty in recognizing him for the same.
    R. L. Stevenson
    links **(二字不明)の海岸に在る砂丘。for the same 同じ人として。

11. No doubt, much as worthy friends add to the happiness and value of life, we must in the main depend on ourselves, and every one is his own best friend or worst enemy.
    三七 *(一字不明)電
  add to (=increase) 增す(「減ず」は take from なり)。in the main 主として、おもに。depend on たよる。

12. There was something so honest and earnest in the tone of the boy, that, much as Harmon had felt disposed, at first, to sport with his ignorance, he could not refrain from giving him a true answer.
    S. U. R. IV.
  felt disposed 心持になる。sport with からかふ、弄ぶ。refrain from......せずに居る。

13. There is nothing in any of the northern countries with which to compare the richness of tropical growth; and lovely as are the tints in a broad American landscape, they are as nothing in point of splendour to those of tropical scene.
    四四 東京高師
  as nothing 比較にならぬものゝやう。云ふに足らぬやう。


14. Young as he was he was not unequal to the task.
    三七 専門

15. Yet, silent as he was, I knew perfectly well what it was over which he was brooding.
    C. Doyle

16. Old as he was, Marlborough's designs had drom the first all the dash and boldness of youth.
    四○ 農大實科

17. Weak as he was, he slowly and painfully worked his way to the edge of the bed-end and to his feet.
    Munsey Magazine
  worked his way にぢりよつて行つた。(worked) to his feet 立ち上つた。

18. But these honest patriots, poor as they were, were above selling their country at any price.
    G. P. Quackenbos

19. Incredible as it may seem, the spirit cheerfully answered Yes to that astounding proposition.
     Mark Twain

20. Strange as it may seem, window glass is luxury of which the country people of Japan know little.
    三二 一高

21. Curious then as the conclusion may be, the cold ice of the Alps has its origin in the heat of the sun.
    三二 海兵

22. Quite diligent as he appears to be, your brother has made little progress since he entered the school.
    三四 外語

23. Cold and dreary as it is in Manchuria, our soldiers are quite at home, and equal to any task whatever.
    三八 山口高商
  quite at home (=at ease) 全く安心して。全く平氣で。

24. Short as was the time he had known her, Dora had, in some mysterious way, grown to be a part of himself.
    C. M. Braeme

25. Late as it was, I flew to New York and got a policeman to conduct me to the headquarters of the detective force.
    Mark Twain

26. Easy as it might be to inaugrate a system of small economies, there are lots of women who refrain from taking the preliminary step.
    New York Herald


27. I found it a little difficult to keep pace with my guides, burdened as they were.
    三一 一高
  to keep pace (=to keep up; not to fall behind)「に後れぬやうにする」keep の代りに hold を用ふるも同じ。

28. Deprived as he was of the fluency of speech, we did not feel his kindness the less.
    三五 高校

29. Accustomed as he was to the rubs of his profession, Berthelini was unpleasantly affected by the landlord's manner.
  R. L. Stevenson

30. Deprived as he was of all external attractiveness, he showed himself full of kindness to all who came to him, and, though he never would put himself forward, he had a welcome for every one.
  external attractiveness 「外部の美」とは容貌の美を云ふ。showed himself = showed that he was. full of kindness (=all kindness=very kind) 非常に親切。

31. "Thou knowest" said Hester--for, depressed as she was, she could not endure this last quiet stab at the token of her shame--"thou knowest that I was frank with thee. I felt no love, nor feigned any."
    N. Hawthorne
  this last quiet stab at the tokenof her shame 「貴樣にこの事が有らうと先見す可きであつたに、それに氣がつかなかつたのは不覺であつた」と柔かに、而も、鋭く己の急所を突かれたるを云ふ、token of her shame とはこの Hester と云ふ女が破廉耻罪を犯しゝし印として胸に*(一字不明)ひ着け居る A と云ふ字の Scarlet letter (緋文字)を云ふ。feigned の any は any love なり。


32. Child though she was, she was more than a match for him.
  more than a match for him 彼には匹敵異常、彼には迚もかなはぬ。

33. Marius, dreamer though he was, possessed a firm and energetic nature.
    V. Hugo

34. Man of learning though he was, Loui XVIII, nevertheless, loved a little joke.
    A. Dumas

35. Felons, though they were, I could never refuse the charity they invariably prayed for.
    H. Conway

36. It was not easy to astonish Javert, still, master though he was of himself, he could not supress his emotion.
    V. Hugo
  master though he was of himsself (Javert は自分を殺すと思つた Jean Valjean に思ひ掛けなくも縄目を解かれて)自分の體は自分のものになつたけれども

37. And, man of peace though he was, I was very sure I saw in the other--what always lay near his strong box, at his bed's head at night.
    Mrs. Craik
  in the other の次に hand を補ひ見よ。what etc. は短銃なり。Strong box 小さい金庫。

38. Englishman though he was, he filled his Oriental tower with masterpiece from Italy and Holland, only to add form and color to the luxuries of his reverie, behind his gilded lattices.
    P. G. Hamerton


39. Tenderly though she laid it, the baby soon opened its eyes.

40. Old though she was, her strength was truly marvellous.

41. Weak though she was, she struggled to a sitting position.

42. Bare and plain though the room was, it had that nobility which comes from ancient usage.

43. At the motion of his hand the four rioters resumed their seats; the more readily, because their violent exertions had wearied them, youthful though they were.
    N. Hawthorne
  resumed 再び着いた。the more readily それが爲に一層たやすく(席に着いた)。

44. Thus paradoxical though it may seem, pain is one of the conditions of the physical wellbeing of man; as death, according to Dr. Thomas Brown, is one of the conditions of life.
    S. Smiles


45. Startled though he was, he did not lose his balance.

46. Inexperienced though he was, he had still a strong sense of the danger of Sibyl's position.
    O. Wilde

47. I know him, changed though he was; but he did not know me in the least, as, indeed, was not likely.
    Mrs. Craik
  knew は knew again と同じく、recognized(それと見知つた、誰と云ふ事が分つた)の意。in the least 少しも。as was not likely 分ると云ふ事は有りさうもなかつたが。


中国の AI の技術力がマーケットに波乱を起こしているようだが、たまたまエセル・リナ・ホワイトの Fear Stalks the Village を再読していたわたしが、本文のある箇所に疑問を感じ、Copilot と 今話題の DeepSeek に質問してみたところ、面白い結果が...