Wednesday, July 21, 2021


早稲田大學敎授 深澤裕次郎著



(p. 166-170)


(a) I could not but smile at the idea.

(b) I could not do otherwise than smile at the idea.


(c) I could not help smiling at the idea.



     | Who can but             |

(a)  | No one can but         | +Infinitive.

     |One cannot but          |

(b) One cannot do otherwise than  |

(c) One cannot help + Gerund.

(a)(b)(c) 同意義にして (a) の Cannot, dare not, who can, no one can 等の次には be anything 又は do anything を省略せり。

 but の次の Infinitive は上の例に於けるが如く "to" を略するを常とす。而てこの Infinitive は Noun Infinitive にして "but (=except)" の Object なり。猶ほ假に省略を補ひ、同意義の形を列擧すれば次の如し。

(1) Who could but (to) smile at the idea?

(2) No one could (do anything) but (to) smile at the idea.

(3) I could not (do anything) but (to) smile at the idea.

(4) I could not do otherwise than (to) smile at the idea.

(5) I could not help smiling.

(6) I could not avoid smiling.

(7) I could not forbear smiling.

(8) I could not keep from smiling.

(9) I could not desist from smiling.

(10) I could not refrain from smiling.

(11) I could not abstain from smiling.

(12) I could not hold back from smiling.

(13) I could not keep back from smiling.

         Etc.                      etc.


1.  She could not but tremble at these preparations.

    N. Hawthorne


2.  The live crimson rushed madly over John's face. Mrs. Jessop saw it; she could not but see.

    Mrs. Craik


3.  The way was so well known to her that she could not but wonder that she had failed before.

    A. Trollope


4.  I could not but conclude that this promenade was chosen with an eye to secrecy; for the spot was open only to seaside.

    R. L. Stevenson


  with an eye to secrecy 「人目を忍ぶ積りで」。with an eye (a view) to は「……するつもりで」なり。

5.  I could not but think what a beautiful young man he must have been before he had learned to accept things as they are.

    C. Doyle


6.  He could not but feel puzzled by so strange a state of affairs, which could put his "Dearest" in one house and himself in another.

    Mrs. Burnett


  "Dearest (mother)" 母親のこと、其子が常に "Dearest (最愛の母)" と呼び居るが故也。

7.  When we look back to the events of our last war, we cannot but admire the devotion, the bravery, and the energy of those men who conducted it to so glorious a close.



8.  I was taking a walk in this place last night between the hours of nine and ten, and could not but fancy it one of the most proper scenes in the world for a ghost to appear in.

  四三 東北農大


9.  For the moment, I was hurt; then I could not but respect the honest pride which thus intimated that he knew his own position, and wished neither to igonore nor to alter it; all advances between us must evidently come from my side.

  Mrs. Craik


10. He was, as I have said, a huge man enormous shoulders; and as he stood there, with his face flushed with rage and his sword advanced, I could not but think that, in spite of all his villainies, he had a proper figure for a grenadier.

    C. Doyle


    In spite of all his villanies あのやうに姦悪なるに拘らず。

11. It was evident that she could not do otherwise than leave her fortune to these young people, because they no longer required it.

    V. Hugo


12. Finding it so directly on the threshold of our narrative, which is now about to issue from that inauspicious portal, we could hardly do otherwise that pluck one of its flowers, and present it to the readers.

    N. Hawthorne


  Finding it it は監獄の門側に生へて居た薔薇(rose-bush)を指す。

13. From this moment he avoided him as much as he could, and when duty imperiously compelled him, and he could not do otherwise than appear before the Mayor, he addressed him with profound respect.

    V. Hugo


 when duty imperiously compelled him 職務がどうでも彼を餘儀なくした時には。

14. I cannot help forming some opinion of a man's character from his dress.

    四一 仙臺高工


15. A born poet can no more help being a poet than an eagle can help soaring.

    三二 一高


    a born poet...... soaring は A born poet cannot help being a poet just as an eagle cannot help soaring と解す可し。

16. "Have you any idea who did it?" "I couldn't help having an idea after what I've seen," he said.


  after what I've seen あれを見ては have an idea 見當がつく。

17. What makes the matter worse is, that we cannot help spoiling air ourselves by the very act of breathing.

    N. N. R. IV


  What makes the matter worse 「其事を更に惡しくするものは……」にて「其上に」「おまけに」「糅てゝ加へて」などの意。the very act of breathing 「呼吸と云ふその事」にて breathing itself (呼吸そのもの)と云ふに同じ。

18. I could not help smiling at their vanity, particularly that of my wife, from whom I expected more discretion.

    O. Goldsmith


  that は vanity。from whom I expected more discretion 「もつと考が有るだろうと思つて居たに全で子供のやうだ」の意。

関口存男「新ドイツ語大講座 下」(4)

§4.  Solch ein kleines Kind weiß von gar nichts. そんな 小さな子供は何も知らない。  一般的に「さような」という際には solch- を用います(英語の such )が、その用法には二三の場合が区別されます。まず題文...