Saturday, January 8, 2022


早稲田大學敎授 深澤裕次郎著



(p. 187-221)



(a) She smiled a bright smile.

(b) She dreamed a happy dream.

(a) 彼女はあでやかな微笑を浮べた。

(b) 彼女は樂しい夢を見た。


(a) He swore a dreadful oath.

(b) He fought his last battle.

(a) 彼は恐ろしく罵つた。

(b) 彼は最後の戰を戰つた。


(a) He shouted applause.

(b) She smiled approval.

(a) 男は聲を揚げて喝采した。

(b) 女はほゝゑんで滿足を表した。


(a) He laughed his loudest.

(b) She smiled her brightest.

(a) 男は最も聲高く笑つた。

(b) 女は最もあでやかな笑顔をした。


(a) She footed it all the way.

(b) He fought it out to the last.

(a) 女は向うまで歩いた。

(b) 男は最後まで戰つた。


 Intrasitive Verb の中にはそれと語原を同じうする Noun (又は、語原は同じうせずとも意義相通ずる Noun)を伴ひ、宛ら Transitive Verb 對 Object の如き形を爲す事あり、之を Cognate Object (同種目的)と稱す。

 但し Intransitive Verb は其性質上 Object を有せざるを以て、こゝに Object と稱するは單に形式上よりするものにして實際は Adverbial Adjunct なりと論ずる者もあり。[註二]参照。

I. Verb と同語原のもの。


   (a) She smiled a bright smile.

   (b) She dreamed a happy dream.

   (c) He fought a hard fight.

   (d) He slept a sound sleep.

   (a) 彼の女はあでやかな微笑を浮べた。

   (b) 彼の女は楽しい夢を見た。

   (c) 彼は烈しい戰をした。

   (d) 彼は熟睡した。

等に於ける Cognate Object の smile, dream, fight, sleep は smiled, dreamed, fought, slept なる Verb を語原を同じうするものにして Cognate Object 中、代表的のものなり。

II. Verb と意義ゝくして形異なるもの。


   (a) He swore a dreadful oath.

   (b) He fought his last battle.

   (c) He struck a fatal blow.

   (d) He acted his part well.

   (a) 彼はおそろしく罵つた。

   (b) 彼は最後の戰を戰つた。

   (c) 彼は致命的打撃を輿へた。

   (d) 彼はその役目をよくつとめた。

等に於ける Cognate Object の oath, battle, blow, part は swore, fought, struck, acted の Cognate Object なる swearing, fight, stroke, act の代りに用ひられたるものなり。即ち、次に示すが如く (a) は (b) の代りに用ひられたるものなり。

   He swore a dreadful oath (a).

                                  swearing (b).

   He fought his last battle (a).

                                fight (b).

   He struck a fatal blow (a).

                               stroke (b).

   He acted his part (a) well.

                         act (b) well.

III. Noun の現はさむとする性質を以て直に Noun に代ふるもの。


(a) He shouted applause.

(b) She smiled approval.

(c) She nodded her assent.

(d) He looked his anxiety.

(a) 彼は聲を揚げて喝采した。

(b) 彼はほゝゑんで滿足を表した。

(c) 彼は頷いて同意を表した。

(d) 彼は心配を面に表はした。

(a) He shouted a shout of applause.

(b) She smiled a smile of approval.

(c) She nodded a nod of assent.

(d) He looked a look of anxiety.

の a shout of, a smile of, a nod of, a look of を省略せるものなり。

IV. Superative の Ajective の次に Noun を省略するもの。


  (a) He laughed his loudest.

  (b) She smiled her brightest.

  (c) She cried her hardest.

  (d) She breathed her last.

  (a) 彼は最も聲高く笑つた。

  (b) 彼は最もあでやかな笑顔をした。

  (c) 彼は最も烈しく泣いた。

  (d) 彼は縡切れて了つた。

  (a) He laughed his loudest laugh.

  (b) She smiled her brightest smile.

  (c) She cried her hardest cry.

  (d) She breathed her last breath.

の laugh, smile, cry, breath を省略せるものなり。

V. Pronoun の It を以て Noun に代ふるもの。


  (a) He kings it well.

  (b) She queens it well.

  (c) He lords it over the others.

  (d) He fought it out to the last.

  (a) 國王振りがうまい。

  (b) 女王振りがうまい。

  (c) 彼は獨り威張つて居る。

  (d) 彼は最後まで戰ひ果せた。


  (a) kings it

   = kings the king.

   = plays the king.

   = plays the part of the king.



  (b) queens it.

   = queens the queen.

   = plays the queen.

   = plays the part of the queen.



  (c) lords it over.

   = lords the lord over.

   = plays the lord over.

   = plays the part of the lord over.

   = domimeers over.




  (d) fought it.

   = fought the fight.



 [註一]Verb の Voice (相)を改め Active を Passive とする時は Cognate Object は Subject となる。


  He drunk her health.


  He fought his last battle.


を改めて Passive とする時は

  Her health was drunk.


  His last battle was fought.


となり Cognate Object の health, battle は Subject となる。

 [註二]Cognate Object の或るものは Adverbial Objective と見る事を得。從て Adverb, Adverbial Phrase に等しき用をなす。


  She smiled a bright smile.

  =She smiled brightly.


  She slept a sound sleep.

  = She slept soundly.


  She talked her fill.

  = She talked to her heart's content.



[註三]Cognate Noun を Object とする Verb の中には特殊の意味を有する他の Verb を以て直に之を代ふるものあり。


  (a) He groped his way.

  (b) He made his way by groping.


  (a) He forced his way.

  (b) He made his way by force.


  (a) He fought his way.

  (b) He made his way by fighting.


等に於ける (a) の groped, forced, fought は各一語を以て (b) の made+by groping, made+by force, made+by fighting の意を現はしたるものなり。故に Verb に特殊の意義の加はりたる點に於て普通のものと其趣を異にすと云ふ可し。










Verb と同語原のもの。

1. My companion smiled an enigmatical smile.

 C. Doyle


2.  She smiled her loathsome smile, and called me.



3.  And Gagin smiled again his gentle smile. I pressed his hand warmly.



4.  "And what you like to do for him?" inquired the lawyer, rubbing his chin and smiling a queer smile.

 Mrs. Burnell


5.  He smiled the same smile again, and added, "Since you are Madame Pontmercy, I may fairly be Monsieur Jean."

 V. Hugo


6.  She dwelt upon every feature until, if the lips had opened and smiled a mocking smile at her, she would not have felt greatly surprised.

 C. M. Braeme


 dwelt (= kept her attention) upon をぢつと眺めて居た。feature 耳目**(二字不明)等。

7.  I laughed a mocking laugh of derision.

 J. E. Muddock


8.  The beautiful yound heiress laughed a bright, triumphant laugh.

 M. Clay


 heiress 家附娘、一人娘

9.  But the old man only laughed a dreadful laugh, and made no reply.

 H. R. Haggard


10. She laughs a low contemptuous laugh, that even makes his blood run hotly in his veins.

 The Duchess


 makes his blood run hotly in his veins 血管の中に血を熱く流れしむ。

11. She laughed again, that sweet, musical laugh which seemed to come only from a happy heart.

 M. Clay


12. Acia looked down, and laughed a soft light-hearted laugh; I had never heard such a laugh from her.



13. She laughed the low, happy, contented laugh that sounded like the sweetest music in his ears.

 M. Clay


14. Laughing a dreadful maniac laugh, she puts her hand to her girdle and drew her great knife from it.



15. In all probability every one is abed, and now sleeping the sleep of the just--all except him.

 The Duchess


 In all probability 多分。abed (=in bed) 床に就いて、臥して。

16. Sleep, my son the sleep of the just; and see what I will do for you when daylight comes to help us both.

 W. Collins


17. Through it all Lord Charlewood slept the heavy sleep of exhaustion and fatigue, and it was the greatest mercy that could have befallen him.

 M. Clay


 that could have befalled him 彼の身の上に起り得たうちの


18. While its words were still upon my lips I dropped asleep and dreamed a most dreadful dream.

 H. R. Haggard


 still upon my lips まだ云ひ終らぬこと。

19. Had Goodman Brown fallen asleep in the forest and only dreamed a wild dream of a watch-meeting?

 N. Hawthorne


 fallen asleep 眠つて了ふ。watch-meeting 魔女が集りで夜明かしすること。

20. The lovely damsel flattered him and said: "Everything is known to thee, O Tsar, and without thee I cannot interpret a very hard dream I have dreamed; wilt thou interpret it for me?"

 R. Nisbet Bain


 Tsar 皇帝

21. I thanked her for the suggestion, assured her that I should be delighted, and throwing myself on the couch I fell to dreaming pleasant dreams as I watched the smoke from my pipe curl ceilingward.

 J. E. Muddock


 suggestion 相手の氣のつかざる事などを傍から注意してやること。 throwing myself 「身を投じて」即ち「ねて」。fell to (=began) 「……し出した」。

22. I worked slowly, singing sledge songs all the while.

 N. E. R. IV.


 all the while その間ずつと。

23. They drunk wine, and sang songs, and rode merrily to the battle-field.

 P. Parley



24. In this fashion, they avoid the wedding calls of the curious, and drink deep draughts of pure country air.

 Max O'Rell


25. He dipped in his water-bottle and drunk, while Meek-eye, lying down, stretched out his long neck, and greedily suck up great draughts of the cool water.


 dipped in 「浸した」。Meek-eye 駱駝の名。


26. And so Ivan the Tsarevich lived a joyous life, and waxed rich and prosperous.

 R. N. Bain


 Tsarevich 露國皇子 Czarevich とも綴る。

27. He could have borne to live an undistinguished life, but not to be forgotten in the grave.

 N. Hawthorne


28. Would life be worth living without the sweet presence of kind, cheerful, and amiable women?

 Max O'Rell


29. Others prefer to go to Canada, India, or Australia as ladies' companions, rather than live an idle life at home.

 Max O'Rell


 than live は than to live なり(than の次には "to" を略するを常とす)。

30. Charles the Second had lived a careless and vicious life during his banishment, and his habits did not improve, now that he was on the throne.

 P. Parley


 now that (= since now) 今……したからと云つて。

31. Shinto priests are not obliged to give their lives up to their religion, nor to live lives of celibacy and ascetism, as the Buddhists are supposed to do.

 N. Y. Herald


32. One of his tenets was that wealth did not consist in the vastness of the possessions, but in the limitation of desires, and he insisted that the most expeditious road was to live a prudent life.

 N. Y. Herald


 consist in に存す(consist of の「より成る」と區別せよ)。but in の in は上の consist に係る。

33. Here the conversation died a natural death.

 T. B. Aldrich


34. "This man died no natural or easy death," said the surgeon.

 C. Dickens


35. Relief was granted him, and he positively died the death of a pauper.

 S. Smiles


36. They become miserly, think daily growing poorer, and die the deaths of beggars.

 S. Smiles


37. For it was a great and terrible thing, that the anointed sovereign should die the death, of a traitor.

 P. Parley


 anointed king 正式に王位を践みたる國王。anointed は「頭に油を濯ぎて聖別せられたる」(践祚の儀式なり)。

38. You burrow and rankle in his heart! Your clutch is on his life, and you cause him to die daily a living death, and still he knows you not.

 N. Hawthorne


 cause him to die 死なしむ。

39. I got hold of the right Smith at last--the particular Smith I was after--my dear, lost, lamented friend--and learned that he died a violent death.

 Mark Twain


 got hold of 攫まへた。right 本當の(「間違つた」の wrong に對す)。particular その。after (=seeking) 捜して。violent death 變死、*(一字不明)死(天壽を全うして死ぬる natural death に對す)。


Verb と異形同義のもの。

1.  The bells ring a merry peal.

 J. C. Nesfield


2.  She lived her finest tragedy.

 O. Wilde


3.  It rained fire and brimstone.

 Rowe and Webb


 fire and brimstone を降らすと云ふ事は聖書路加傳十七章二十九節其他に多く之有り。

4.  The wind was blowing great guns.

 Rowe and Webb


 blowing great guns (= blow tempestuously, or with great violence) 烈しく吹く。

5.  I danced attendance at him daily.

 Rowe and Webb


 danced attendance on (= to wait on with obsequiousness) 御機嫌取りをする。

6.  He lives the poetry that he cannot write.

 O. Wilde


7.  One morning as usual he kissed her good day, and set out in search of work.

 T. B. Aldrich

 或朝、彼(註 原文は「私」)はいつもの通り「今日は」と彼女(註 原文は「彼」)に接吻し、それから、仕事を探しに出掛けた。

8.  I was walking one evening on the quay at Saint-Malo. It was blowing a furious gale.

 Max O'Rell


9.  He wept as through his heart would break--tears that eased the burning brain, and lightened the heavy heart.

 M. Clay


10. The pilot swore a formidable oath as he perceived the bonus to two hundred pounds slipping away from him.

 J. Verne


 to two hundred pound の to の前には amounting 有るものと見て「に上る」と譯す可し。slipping away するすると脱けて行つて了ふ。

11. Often the master would speak a cheering word to the dog, and she would wag her tail and bark a glad answer.

 N. E. R. IV.


12. And, as it was blowing great guns from the sea, and pouring with rain, the noises of the storm effectually concealed all others.

 R. L. Stevenson


 all others は all other noises なり。

13. Kneeling down, I renewed my oath, and then, falling across the grave, wept tears of phosphorus, or some other scalding matter, for I had no ordinary tears to shed.

 J. E. Muddock


14. She would have been surprised could she have seen the beautiful face all wet with tears; for Philippa had laid her head on the cold stone, and was weeping such tears as women weep but once in life.

 M. Clay


15. There could not well be more ink splashed about it, if it had been roofless from its first construction, and the skies had rained, snowed, hailed, and blown ink through the varying seasons of the year.

 C. Dickens


 through the varying seasons of the year 春夏秋冬一年中。

16. I rose to leave the room, and fight her battle for her at once with Mr. Fairlie.

 W. Collins


17. This night, however, Jean Valjean felt that he was fighting his last battle.

 V. Hugo


18. In 1793, he invaded Egypt, and fought many battles in the sandy deserts, and among the pyramids.

 P. Parley


19. Alfred, who ascended the throne in 872, fought fifty-six battles with them, by sea and land.

 P. Parley


20. On their way thither, they fought many battles with the Russians, and the weather was so bittler cold, that the snow was crimsoned with their blood, and the bodies of the slain were frozen stiff.

 P. Parley



21. I led the life of a vagabond for my own good pleasure.

 R. T. Stevenson


22. He knew no future then, no kind of life except the life he led.

 H. G. Wells


23. But the boy had pluck and determination, and would not lead a useless life.

 O. S. Marden


24. She married badly--handsome, reckless, ne'er-do-well, who led her sa most wretched life.

 M. Clay


25. I at once concluded that Straker was leading a double life, and keeping a second establishment.

 C. Doyle


26. They could no longer lead ordinary lives nor content themselves with the common things of this world once they had heard this voice.

 H. G. Wells


 once この前に有る可き when が省かれ once が when の役目をなし Conjunction となりたるものなり。

27. "I've led a quiet life in the army," answered Jones, slowly, and apparently letting his mind wander back over the half-forgotten scenes.

 H. Carruth


28. Dukes, Marquises, and Earls have married chorus-girl; great literary men and artists have married uneducated girls, and have led very happy lives with them.

 Max O'Rell



29. The Sixteenth Minnesota played an important part.

 H. Carruth


30. Pepper Whitcomb, who played all the juvenile and women parts, was my son.

 T. B. Aldrich


31. If we are to be a really great people, we must strive in good faith to play a great part in the world.

 T. Roosevelt


32. But because we set our own household in order we are not thereby excused from playing our part in the great affairs of the world.

 T. Roosevelt



33. Then he returned and played host to the famous Signor del Marco.

 G. R. Sims


34. He has a look of amazement, and plays the brute-beast, which is better.

 V. Hugo


 which is better の which は play the brute-beast なる clause を受く。

35. She knows that her husband is not a gentleman, and she does not try to play the lady.

 Max O'Rell


36. Now, we know that life is only a stage to play the fool upon as long as the part amuses us.

 R. L. Stevenson


 a stage to play the fool upon = upon which to play the fool. the part は the part of the fool (道化者の役目)なり。

37. He drew his sword, and said, "I have long enough played the Emperor--I must be the general once more."

 J. G. Lockhart


38. Accustomed to play the host in the highest circles, he charmed and dominated all whom he approached.

 R. L. Stevenson


 the highest circles 最上流の社会。

39. "She must not play the fool with me," he shouted, "or I'll let her brat fall like a bombshell into her hiding-place."

 V. Hugo


40. In such cases people sometimes do stranger things than to act the magician, and awaken a young man to splendour who fell asleep in poverty.

 N. Hawthorne


 to play the magician 「魔術を行ふ」と云ふに同じ。awaken a young poverty 眠つた時には貧乏であつたのを眼覺めた時には榮華の身の上にする。

41. Murat was moreover jealous of the extent to which his queen was understood to be playing the sovereign in Naples, and he threw up his command.

 J. G. Lockhart


 extent to which his queen was understood to be... 「妃が……して居るとせられたる程度」「即ち大に妃が……して居ると云ふこと」

42. The Ass, again playing the knave, when he reached the stream, fell down on purpose, when the sponges becoming swollen with the water, his load was greatly increased.

 Æsop's Fables


 on purpose (=purposely) 故意に、わざと。

43. An olive complexion, deep set eyes with shaggy eye-brows, and dark hair, are likewise my physical characteristics, so I am enabled to play the role of the Jew with considerable success.

 G. R. Sims


44. As to this reptile, who had acted the priest so cleverly and told me so much of his parish and his mother, he, of course, had known where the ambuscade was laid, and had attempted to put me beyond all resistance at the moment when we reached it.

 C. Doyle


 reptile は「蛇」「蛙」等の爬虫類の意より「卑劣漢」となる。to put me beyond all resistance 全く抵抗が出來ないやうにする。it は ambuscade を指す。


45. Let Friar John, in safety, still

  In chimney-corner snore his fill.

 W. Scott


46. Presently the cubs had eaten their fill, and began to get restless.

 H. R. Haggard


 to get restless 落着がなくなる。

47. They sat together that long summer's day,

  And could not talk their fill.

 F. Magaret and S. William


48. And every one on board ate and drunk his fill and lay down and slept heavily.

 R. N. Bain


49. And the land shall yield her fruit, and ye shall eat your fill, and dwell therein in safety.

 Lev. XXV.


50. There they ate and drunk their fill one whole day, and the next day they got up and went toward the golden mountain.

 R. N. Bain


51. He lifted the rifle, and the roan-coloured buck, having drunk his fill, raised his head and looked across the river.

 H. R. Haggard


52. 'Twill be better to make the exchange; at any rate we shall always be able to eat and drink our fill without the least trouble.

 R. N. Bain


 at any rate 兎も角。without the least trouble 少しも面倒はなく、極無造作に。

53. The little fox ran to little Kuz'ma and bade him roast another fowl, ate her fill of it, and ran off again to the fenced meadows of the Tsar.

 R. N. Bain


54. But the Tsarevich, like a hungry wolf, looked out from his hiding-place at the Tsarevna, he could not take his eyes from her, and look as he might he could not look his fill.

 R. N. Bain


 look as he might (= however he might look) どんなに眺めても

55. Noting these signs of respect, I may even say affection, I had the body set upright against one of the pillars of the choir, where each and all might come and gaze their fill.

 A. M. Dumas


 I may even say affection 「愛情(の徴候)と云つてもよい位」にて I may even say は I was about to say や I had almost said などと同じく挿入句なり。

56. The stag at eve had drunk his fill,

  Where danced the moon on Monan's rill,

  And deep his midnight had made

  In lone Glenartney's hazel shade.

 W. Scott




Noun の表はさむとする性質を以て直にその Noun に代ふるもの。

1.  Hendrika grunted assent.

 H. R. Haggard


2.  The old man nodded assent.

 A. Dumas


3.  She lived her finest tragedy.

 O. Wilde


4.  I bowed assent, for I could not speak.

 W. Irving


5.  Miss Temple had smiled approbation.

 C. Bronte


6.  He lives the poetry that he cannot write.

 O. Wilde


7.  His blue eyes flashed suspicion at me.

 C. Doyle


8.  Both waved a farewell to him, and little Frank sobbed to leave him.

 W. M. Thackeray


9.  Prince di Borgezi smiled approval of the young lady's reply.

 C. M. Braeme


10. The gold spectacles quivered with embarrassment, and glared indignation.

 W. Baynham


11. Oliver could make no reply, but looked his anxiety to be gone at once.

 C. Dickens


12. One morning as usual he kissed her good day, and set out in search of work.

 T. B. Aldrich


13. I nodded my acknowledgements and hastily slipped the delicacy into my mouth.

 T. B. Aldrich


14. Stephen Letsom nodded assent, and sat down to listen to as strange a stroy as he had ever heard.

 M. Clay


 as strange a story as (any) (如何なるものにも)劣らぬ不思議な話

15. Down this perilous descent he dashed, turning to wave defiance at the dragoons, who durst not follow.

 G. P. Quackenbos


16. Yes, he would be his lady's true knight, he vowed in his heart; he waved her an adieu with his hat.

 W. M. Thackeray


17. Often the master would speak a cheering word to the dog, and she would wag her tail and bark a glad answer.

 N. E. R.


18. Bowing her acquiescence in this arrangement, fearing, indeed, to refuse, Dora follows the others from the haunted chambers.

 The Duchess


 haunted chamber 化物などの出ると云ふ部屋。

19. If I had been strong enough to sit up in my chair I should of course have bowed. Not being strong enough, I smiled my acknowledgements instead.

 W. Collins


 instead (of bowing) (頭を下げる)代りに。


Superative の Adjective の後に Noun を略するもの。

1.  We carried him to his bed. An hour after, he had breathed his last.

 Max O'Rell


2.  But, for the second time, the Representatives did their best to ruin his undertaking.

 J. G. Lockhart


 maman 拂語の mamma, mother なり、但、本文にては實母の如き役目をなし居る親戚の女なり、「ばあや」は意譯なり。

3.  "You have not told me, maman," she said, "whether I am looking my best to-day."

 M. Clay


 for the second time (之を二度目として)また。

4.  Mr. Reed had been dead nine years: it was in this chamber he breathed his last; here he lay in state.

 C. Dickens


 had been dead nine years 死んで九年たつ。in state 立派に飾られて

5.  Laura Fairlie was in all my thoughts when the ship bore me away, and I looked my last at England.

 W. Collins


6.  She is sure everything will go wrong, and she bothers the servants so much that there is a chance they will do their worst.

 Max O'Rell


7.  They had passed the hill above the church-yard, when Lady Glyde insisted on turning back to look her last at her mother's grave.

 W. Collins


 insisted on と云つてきかなかつた。

8.  It is yesterday again since we parted--yesterday, since your dear hand lay in mine--yesterday, since my eyes looked their last on you.

 W. Collins


9.  His own ill-favoured person, which was quite unmarketable, escaped without injury; but poor Wildfire unconscious of his price, turned on his flank and painfully panted his last.

 G. Eliot


 Wildfire 馬の名。on his flank 「横に」 on は on one's face (伏す) on one's back (仰向に) on one's belly (腹這ひに)などの on に同じ、flank の代りに side を用ふるもよし。

10. From the end of the sill, holding on by the reveal of the window with one hand, leaning and stretching my utmost, I caught the gutter, swung myself clear, and scrambled on the roof.

 A. Morrison


11. He eyes his good lady with looks of great satisfaction, and begged, in an encouraging manner, that she should cry her hardest: the exercise being looked upon, by the faculty, as strongly condusive to health.

 C. Dickens


 the exercise 泣くといふ事。condusive to 「に資するもの」「を助くるもの」。

12. He would blandly kiss his white mice, and twitter to his canary-birds amid an assembly of English fox-hunters, and would only pity them as barbarians when they were all laughing their loudest at him.

 W. Collins


13. He, too, ran his very best; but, try as he might, the physical advantages were not upon his side, and his outcries and the fall of his lame foot on the macadam began to fall further and further into the wake.

 R. L. Stevenson


 try as he might (=however he might try) 如何に努めても。 fall...into the wake あとになる。

14. Heaven and earth smiled their brightest, the sunshine was golden, the autumn flowers bloomed fair, the autumn foliage had assumed its richest hues of crimson and of burnished gold; there was a bright light over the sea and the hill-tops.

 M. Clay


 had assumed...of burnished gold 紅と磨いた黄金の最も美しい色彩を帯びた。

15. Never find fault with a new dress, especially if it is a costly one; because as she wants to please you and to appear her best for you, she will never again wear that dress, and you will have to buy her new one. Praise that dress, old man. Be sure that you do.

 Max O'Rell


 find fault with 非難する、けなす。old man 親仁、大将、君(親しみ呼ぶ語)。Be sure that you do (=praise) 必ず賞めよ。


Pronoun の It を以て Noun に代ふるもの。

1.  We boated it.


2.  We cabbed it.


3.  We coached it.


4.  You will have to rough it.

 Rowe and Webb


 rought it 難儀する。

5.  Lord Angelo dukes it well.



 dukes 侯爵の風をする。

6.  Courage, father, fight it out.



7.  He carries it with a high hand.

 Rowe and Webb


 with a high hand 高壓的に

8.  She is inclined to lord it over brothers.


 lord it over に對して威張り散らす、傲慢に振舞ふ。

9.  We will train it from New York to Albany.


10. We will walk as far as we can, and then train it.


11. "Surely, my dear, you jest," cried my wife; "we can walk it perfectly well: we want no coach to carry us now."

 O. Goldsmith


12. We therefore decided that we would sleep out on fine nights; and hotel it, and inn it, and pub it, like respectable folks, when it was wet, or when we felt inclined for a change.

 Jerome K. Jerome


 pub は public-house (宿屋)の略なり。


特殊の Verb を以て "make" に代ふるもの。

1.  The archer then took leave of his mother-in-law and wended his way homeward.

 R. N. Bain


 took leave of に暇を告げた。

2.  Going from house to house, she wends her way up and down the dark halls of the tenements.

 * (一語不明) Magazine


3.  Sometimes, when I wend my way, stool in hand, down the dell, I meet the villagers returning from their labors.

 J. E. Maddock


 stool in hand 「腰掛を手に持て」初に with を補ひ見よ、この場合には hat in hand, pencil in hand の如く hat, pencil, hand 等に多くは article を附せず。

4.  The long procession wended its way slowly amongst the trees, and before long the last of it disappeared in the depths of the forests.

 J. Verne


 depths 「奥」又は「底」の意の時は斯く複数形なるに注意せよ、depths of the sky, depths of the eyes, depths of the chair 等皆然り。

5.  Reluctantly, yet with a certain amount of curiosity to know what it si he may wish to say to her, Dora wends her way to the gallery to keep her appointment with Arthur.

 The Duchess


 to keep her appintment 約を履む爲に。


6.  Some well-known chiefs went the rounds, tha is to say, ran from the one to the other to collect their followers.

 V. Hugo


 that is to say (= in other words) 換言せば。

7.  He was a dentist going his rounds, who offered the public complete sets of teeth, opiates, powders, and elixirs.

 V. Hugo


8.  Perhaps it was this invariable custom of walking her rounds in the hush of midnight, that caused the superstition of her times to invest the old woman with attributes of awe and mystery.

 N. Hawthorne


9.  The first was a venerable and white-bearded patriarch, who cautiously felt his way downward with a staff.

 N. Hawthorne


10. There might be several conveniences attending this course: the weaver had possibly got a lantern, and Dunstan was tired of feeling his way.

 G. Eliot


11. A female figure (or a figure dressed up so as to look like a female), clothes in white, with long dark hair streaming down her back, was feeling her way, rather than wandering up and down, between the rows of graves, and with her hands stretched out before her, seemed to be muttering or murmuring to herself.

 F. Marryat


12. A baby wailed fretfully in an adjoining room, and after a long, heart-broken look at the set, unbending face of her husband, she groped her way blindly through the door.

 M. R. Rinehart


13. The door, or rather what was left of it, stood ajar, for the convenience of the numerous lodgers; and he proceeded to grope his way up the old and broken stair, to the attic story.

 C. Dickens



14. In a short time afterwards the vessel was ploughing her way at full speed down the Red Sea.

 Jules Verne


 at full speed 全速力で。

15. One day, in the snowy winter of 1852, I met Thackeray sturdily ploughing his way down Bacon Street with a copy of "Henry Esmond" (the English edition, then just issued) under his arm.

 T. Fields


 Henry Esmond は History of Henry Esmond と云ひ Thackeray の傑作の一なり。


16. We were in time, however, to obtain the front seats which had been reserved for us, and into which, with some little difficulty, we elbowed our way.

 E. A. Poe


17. He wanted to be alone with them; he elbowed his way out almost fiercely, he made himself as angular and bony as a cow, fearing lest some one should  speak to him, lest some one should invade his glowing sphere of enthusiasm.

 H. G. Wells


 fearing lest   fear, dread, afraid 等の次の lest は that (事)と解す可し。his sphere 自分の入つて居る世界、天地(他人の窺ふを許さぬ意あり)。


18. It forced its way, in spite of a little struggle to repress it.

 N. Hawthorne


 In spite of に拘らず。

19. Some one was hurriedly forcing his way through this group and coming toward him.

 Mrs. Burnett


20. Quitting Talbot abruptly, I made every effort to force my way into close proximity with Madame Lalande.

 E. A. Poe


 Into close proximity 直ぐそばに。

 21. Slowly the purpose of my words seemed to force its way through the confusion and agitation of her mind.

 W. Collins


22. Suddenly a lame old frog croaking forced its way to the front and said, "Kwa, kwa; I know where this marvel is to be found."

 R. N. Bain


 Kwa, kwa 蛙の鳴聲なり。

23. He made another effort to force a passage southwards at Medyn; but here also he was repelled, and forced to abandon the attempt.

 J. G. Lockhart


24. They marched across the streets, forcing their way roughly through the crowd, and pricking the towns-people with their bayonets.

 N. Hawthorne


25. Then the English forced their way there, seized upon the colonies of both Dutch and Portuguese, and have ever since held possession.

 四二 海兵


 have held possession 占領した。

26. The result of this terrible day was, that Buonaparte withdrew his troops and abandoned all hope of forcing his way through the Russians.

 J. G. Lockhart


 terrible day 激戰。

27. Our whole lives are at stake on this. I fyou come home with me all will be well. If you force your way into the cottage, all is over between us.

 C. Doyle


 are at stake on にかゝつて居る(この事の如何に依りて生死がきまる)。all is over between us 「二人の間は之でおしまひ」とは絶好だの意。

28. He then attempted to convey his men by night across the York River, with the intention of forcing his way through the French lines at the opposite point, and hastening to join Clinton at New York.

 G. P. Quackenbos



29. A few fought their way through the British, and reached the American lines.

 G. P. Quackinbos


30. There is scarcely a great truth or principle but to fight its way to public recognition in the face of opposition and reproach.

 四三 大阪 高工


 in the face of (=in defiance of) 「を無視して」「を排して」。

31. "Circumstances," says Milton, "have rarely favoured famous men. They have fought their way to triumph through all sorts of opposing obstacles."

 O. S. Marden


32. Nearly every great discovery or invention that has blessed mankind has had to fight its way to recognition, even against the opposition of the most progressive men.

 O. S. Marden



33. A man knows what his actual position is if he pays his way, as he goes.

 S. Smiles


34. But the man is not poor who can pay his way, and save something beside.

 S. Smiles


35. The were quiet people, and they had paid their way honestly up to the present time.

 W. Collins


関口存男「新ドイツ語大講座 下」(4)

§4.  Solch ein kleines Kind weiß von gar nichts. そんな 小さな子供は何も知らない。  一般的に「さような」という際には solch- を用います(英語の such )が、その用法には二三の場合が区別されます。まず題文...