Wednesday, November 2, 2022


30. as...(as),

  • As long as gardens have flowers and the world has beautiful and amiable women, so long will life be worth living. 「庭に花が咲き、世界に美しく気立てのよい女がいるかぎり、人生は生きるに値する」

so long は先行する as long as の節「……するかぎり」を、「そのかぎりにおいて」と反覆強調しただけで、so long 以下をたんに life will be worth living としても意味的には変わらない。


Now I do not wish, as I said, to load your memories with scientific terms: but I beseech you to remember at least these two, oxygen gas and carbonic acid gas; and to remember that, as surely as oxygen feeds the fire of life, so surely does carbonic acid put it out.

Charles Kingsley, Sanitary and Social Lectures and Essays


 as surely as 「……とおなじくらい確実に」を受けて so surely は「それくらい確実に」の意となる。


And as surely as the force which moves a clock's hands is derived from the arm which winds up the clock, so surely is all terrestrial power drawn from the sun.

John Tyndall, Heat Considered as a Mode of Motion



"I speak as a dead man now, and I warn you, father, that as surely as you must one day stand before your Maker, so surely shall your children be there, hand in hand, to cry for judgment against you."

Charles Dickens, Sketches by Boz


関口存男「新ドイツ語大講座 下」(4)

§4.  Solch ein kleines Kind weiß von gar nichts. そんな 小さな子供は何も知らない。  一般的に「さような」という際には solch- を用います(英語の such )が、その用法には二三の場合が区別されます。まず題文...