Sunday, March 12, 2023


50. scarcely / hardly.... before / when

  • Scarcely had I crossed the bridge before it fell down.
  • I had hardly crossed the bridge when it fell down. 「渡った途端に橋は崩落した」

「……やいなや……する」という意味の構文。scarcely の代わりに scarce が使われることもある。また、before や when の代わりに古い ere が使われることもある。


But scarcely had his army landed in Asia, when sultan Solyman attacked them, and made a terrible slaughter.

Samuel Griswold Goodrich, Peter Parley's Common School History



They took scarcely any notice when the twelve figures in female attire entered the hall.

Samuel Griswold Goodrich, Peter Parley's Common School History



Little time was left to me for consideration, as the next moment a smart breeze began to agitate the taller trees. It increased to an unexpected height, and already the smaller branches and twigs were seen falling in a slanting direction toward the ground. Two minutes had scarcely elapsed, when the whole forest before me was in fearful motion.

Charles Joseph Barnes, New National Fifth Reader



Als die Sonne aufging, wachten die drei Schläfer auf. Sofort sahen sie, wie 1 schön die Gestalt war. Jeder von ihnen verliebte sich in 2 d...