Tuesday, April 11, 2023


54. had best

  • You had best go at once. 「すぐ行くに限るよ」



 "He quarrelled with the master last night, and I heard him threaten him, and it's him that's done it as sure as we are here."
 "Then I had best tell the police," the gamekeeper replied.

J. E. Muddock, Stories, Weird and Wonderful



"Now that I have got so far, I had best proceed on my own lines, and then clear the whole matter up once and for all.”

Arthur Conan Doyle, "The Adventure of the Dancing Men"



If we do not rule wisely, and if our rule is not in the interest of the poeples who have come under our guardianship, then we had best never to have begun the effort at all.

Theodore Roosevelt, "Grant"



Als die Sonne aufging, wachten die drei Schläfer auf. Sofort sahen sie, wie 1 schön die Gestalt war. Jeder von ihnen verliebte sich in 2 d...