Tuesday, January 2, 2024


91. come

  • It will be two months, come Saturday. 「次の土曜日で二ヶ月になる」

この come は If / when ... comes の意。


"And it all happened before the death of my blessed man, four years ago, let me see, — yes, four years ago, come Christmas."

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Hyperion



"Yes," he continued, "it wur sixteen year ago, come the third o' next month, that I landed him.

Jerome K. Jerome, Three Men in a Boat


 wur は was のこと。


 Fortune-Teller. We are liable to losses in this world, madam.
 Mrs. Credulous. I have had my share of them though I shall be only fifty, come Thanksgiving.

Charles W. Sanders, Sanders' Union Fourth Reader

 占い師 「生きていれば損をするものですよ、奥さん」
 ミセス・クレデュラス 「わたしは今度の感謝祭がきても五十にしかならないんですけど、それでもいろいろ損をしましたよ」


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