Wednesday, December 11, 2024


149. it happens that / it chances that

  • It happened that he was absent on that particular night.
  • It chanced that he was absent that particular night.

that 節に示された出来事が偶然起きるという意味。さらに so が加わって it so happens that とか it so chances that という形になることもある。so が加わった分だけ語気が強くなるが意味はおなじ。


"It has so chanced that Louis' heritage has fallen to us, but it is not for us to remind him of the fact."

Arthur Conan Doyle, Uncle Bernac



But it so happened that Nature had given to the youngest son gifts which she had not bestowed upon his elder brothers.

Francis Hodgson Burnett, Little Lord Fauntleroy


 she は Nature(Mother Nature)を受ける。


It so happened that for three or four years after that visit the duties of the service prevented my going home to the country.

Ivan Turgenev, Acia (translated by Constance Garnett)


関口存男「新ドイツ語大講座 下」(4)

§4.  Solch ein kleines Kind weiß von gar nichts. そんな 小さな子供は何も知らない。  一般的に「さような」という際には solch- を用います(英語の such )が、その用法には二三の場合が区別されます。まず題文...