151. fate willed it that...
- Fate willed it that he was absent on that particular night.
Luck willed it that... とか Chance willed it that... という形もある。「運命・幸運・偶然が……然らしめた」あるいは「……と定めた」という意味である。
Further, chance willed it that he should be an American.
William Le Queux, The Broken Thread
Accident willed it that one of the shapeless groups of masked men and women collected in a vast barouche, stopped on the left of the boulevard, while the wedding party stopped on the right.
Victor Hugo, Les Misérables (translated by Lascelles Wraxall)
Chance had so arranged the denseness of the branches that Déruchette could see while Gilliatt could not.
Victor Hugo, The Toilers of the Sea (translated by Isabel F. Hapgood)
註 W. Moy Thomas の訳では Accident had so placed the branches, that Déruchette could see the newcomer while Gilliatt could not. となっている。