152. have the + 抽象名詞 (1)
- He had the audacity to deny such a patent fact.
- He had the audacity of denying such a patent fact.
抽象名詞を形容詞に置き換えて言い直すと He was so audacious as to deny such a patent fact. となる。「彼は厚顔にもこのような明白な事実を否定した」
"I do think," I said, "that when I speak to you you might have the civility to pay some little attention."
Barry Pain, Eliza
But he had the ill-fortune to be older by a couple of years than most of his fellow-students....
William Makepeace Thackeray, The History of Henry Esmond, Esq.
You have married not only a low-born girl, but the daughter of a felon — a felon's daughter is mistress of proud Beechwood! You who scorned Philippa L'Estrange, who had the cruelty to refuse the love of a woman who loved you — you who looked for your ideal in the clouds, have found it near a prison cell!
Charlotte M. Braeme, Wife in Name Only
あなたは生まれの賤しい娘と結婚しただけではありません。重罪犯人の娘と結婚したのです。重罪犯人の娘が高慢なビーチウッドの奥方! フィリッパ・レストレンジを蔑んだあなた、あなたを愛する女の愛を残酷にもしりぞけたあなた、理想の女を雲の上に求めたあなたは、その理想を牢獄のそばに見出したのです。