Thursday, October 17, 2024

関口存男「新ドイツ語大講座 下」

第1課 指示詞と不定指示詞

§1. Die Zeit ist endgültig vorbei.


endgültig: 最終的に、決定的に。vorbei: past.

 この die は、定冠詞と同じものですが、字間があいているのでもわかる通り、特に強調されています。字間をあけるのは、この一語にアクセントを入れて読めという意味です。これでわかるごとく、定冠詞を特に強めて発音すると、「そういう」、「そんな」、「この」、「その」などの意になります。Die Zeit はつまり Diese Zeit または Eine solche Zeit (Solch eine Zeit, so eine Zeit ともいう)と同じです。

Monday, October 14, 2024


140. go so far as

  • I went so far as Shanghai. 「上海まで行った」
  • At last he went so far as to draw his sword. 「ついに佩剣を抜くにまでいたった」

go so far as は本来距離を表す表現だが、比喩的に転用されることもある。


Without going so far as to say that he carried himself as I had done at his age, there was at least similarity enough to make me feel in sympathy with him.

Arthur Conan Doyle, The Exploits of Brigadier Gerard



For months I could not rid myself of the phantasm of the cat; and, during this period, there came back into my spirit a half-sentiment that seemed, but was not, remorse. I went so far as to regret the loss of the animal....

Edgar Allan Poe, "The Black Cat"



But Columbus not only adhered to his theory, but went so far as to assert that by sailing due west from Europe you would, if you kept on sailing, bring up somewhere in eastern Asia.

Livingston Hopkins, Comic History of the United States



Friday, October 11, 2024


139. 仕草の表現

  • He clasped and unclasped his hands nervously. 「おどおどと手を握ったり開いたりした」
  • He entered softly with his finger on his lips. 「指を唇にあててそっと入った」
  • He rubbed his hands and chuckled with delight. 「喜んで揉み手をしたり笑ったりした」
  • He scratched his old head in utter perplexity. 「さっぱりわけがわからず頭をかいた」
  • The old lady shook her head with deep gravity. 「きわめて厳格に頭をふった」
  • He gave his huge shoulders an insolent shrug. 「大きな肩を傲然とすくめた」
  • The wretch stamped and swore with fierce rage. 「烈火の如くに怒って地団太踏んだり、悪口をいったりした」
  • The man threw up his hands in fervent prayer. 「双手を挙げて熱心に祈った」
  • Without answering, he tossed his proud head. 「返事をしないで傲然と頭をそびやかした」
  • The man raised his big eyes and winked at me. 「大きな眼を挙げて、わたしに目配せした」
  • He talked and whistled to himself carelessly. 「なにげなく独り言を言ったり、口笛を吹いたりした」
  • The lady wrung her hands in helpless despair. 「絶望いかんともしがたく手を握り絞った」

最後の wring one's hands は両手を合わせてひねったり、寒いときにする揉み手のような仕草。


She could say no more, but sat down, nervously twisting and untwisting her fingers.

Dinah Mulock Craik, John Halifax, Gentleman



"Still, the East End is a very important problem," remarked Sir Thomas, with a grave shake of his head.

Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray



He prayed to his Father while he was upon the cross; he could not lift up his hands, but he could speak to God. He prayed for these wicked people, and said, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.

Mrs. Favell Lee Mortimer, The Peep of Day


Tuesday, October 8, 2024


138. no use

  • There is no use in debating.
  • There is no use debating.
  • It is no use debating.
  • It is no use to debate.
  • It is of no use to debate.

いずれも「議論しても意味がない」の意。no use は of no use の省略形になる。さらに議論する主体を示すため debating に所有格がつき It is no use your debating. となったり 、「for+人+不定詞」の形を使って It is no use for you to debate. などという場合もある。


 "You must wish to leave Lowood?"
 "No! why should I? I was sent to Lowood to get an education; and it would be of no use going away until I have attained that object."

Charlotte Bronte, Jane Eyre



"There is no use in loving things if you have to be torn from them, is there?"

Lucy Maud Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables



"It's of no use to settle how you'll cook your bird till you've caught it."

George Manville Fenn, The Peril Finders


Saturday, October 5, 2024


137. 前置詞 + the + 動名詞

  • You may have them for the asking. 「求めさえすれば得られる」

for the asking は for the act of asking ないし for the mere trouble of asking と理解する。ほかにも for the wishing とか with the wishing (望みさえすれば)などの形がある。


Go, if you like — there are plenty of house-keepers as good as you to be had for the asking.

Wilkie Collins, The Woman in White



The table appeared, and on the table was wine and savoury meats; whatever the soul desired was there with the wishing. The merchants sighed for envy.

R. Nisbet Bain, Russian Fairy Tales



It would be tedious if given in the beadle's words: occupying, as it did, some twenty minutes in the telling; but the sum and substance of it was, that Oliver was a foundling, born of low and vicious parents.

Charles Dickens, Oliver Twist


Wednesday, October 2, 2024


136. for one

  • I, for one, shall never do. 「わたしはけっしてしない」



At length they were gone, and I for one was thankful of it.

Henry Rider Haggard, Allan's Wife



"And yet there is much in what the Gascon says," said a swarthy fellow in a weather-stained doublet; "and I for one would rather prosper in Italy than starve in Spain."

Arthur Conan Doyle, The White Company



No, the Modern Spirit is too earnestly intent upon solving the problems of existence to tolerate humour in its literature. Humour has served a certain purpose in its day, but that day is done, and I for one cannot pretend to regret its decay.

F. Anstey, The Travelling Companions


Sunday, September 29, 2024

S. S. ヴァン・ダイン「カナリア殺人事件」




今も「心理的手掛かり」には関心がないのだが、高名な作品ではあるし、一度は読んでおこうと半ばあきらめたような気分で本作を読み出した。テキストは から出されたものだ。



“Y’ know, Markham,” he began, in his emotionless drawl, “every genuine work of art has a quality which the critics call élan-namely, enthusiasm and spontaneity. A copy, or imitation, lacks that distinguishing characteristic; it’s too perfect, too carefully done, too exact. Even enlightened scions of the law, I fancy, are aware that there is bad drawing in Botticelli and disproportions in Rubens, what? In an original, d’ ye see, such flaws don’t matter. But an imitator never puts ’em in: he doesn’t dare-he’s too intent on getting all the details correct. The imitator works with a self-consciousness and a meticulous care which the artist, in the throes of creative labor, never exhibits. And here’s the point: there’s no way of imitating that enthusiasm and spontaneity-that élan-which an original painting possesses. However closely a copy may resemble an original, there’s a vast psychological difference between them. The copy breathes an air of insincerity, of ultra-perfection, of conscious effort. . . . You follow me, eh?”


関口存男「新ドイツ語大講座 下」

第1課 指示詞と不定指示詞 §1.  Die Zeit ist endgültig vorbei. そういう時代は断然去った。 endgültig: 最終的に、決定的に。vorbei: past .  この die は、定冠詞と同じものですが、字間があいているの...