154. would as well...as
基本表現と解説- I would as well die at once as live in this agony.
- I would as good die at once as live in this agony.
- I would as lief die at once as live in this agony.
- I would as soon die at once as live in this agony.
「ひと思いに死ぬ」のも「こんな苦しい思いをして生きる」のも好ましさ、あるいは好ましくなさにおいておなじであるという意味。それを踏まえた上で、 「こんな苦しい思いをして生きるくらいなら、ひと思いに死んだほうがまし」と訳すことも可能 (I would rather die at once than live in this agony)。would (仮定法)の代わりに had も用いられる。
I'd as soon listen to dried peas in a bladder, as listen to your thoughts.
W. B. Yeats, The Hour Glass
"Oh, that is an old door connected with another passage that leads by a dark and wearying staircase to the servants' corridor beneath! I am afraid you won't be able to open it, as it is rusty with age and disuse. The servants would as soon think of coming up here as they would of making an appointment with the Evil One; so it has not been opened for years."
Margaret Wolfe Hungerford, The Haunted Chamber
註 この部分は The servants would consider coming up here as much as they would consider making an appointment with the devil. と考える。例文3 も同様。
La Bruyère said: "Women often love liberty only to abuse it." Two hundred years later Balzac wrote: "There are women who crave for liberty in order to make bad use of it." The thoughts are not great, they are not even true, but that is not the question. Could such a genius as Balzac be accused of plagiarism because he expressed a thought practically in the very words of La Bruyère? I would as soon charge Balzac with plagiarism as I would accuse a Vanderbilt or a Carnegie of trying to cheat a street-car conductor out of a penny fare.
Max O'Rell, Rambles in Womanland