Saturday, March 8, 2025


62. Who knows but (that / what)

  • Who knows but (that / what) he did it? 「おそらく彼がやったのだろう」

but that は that...not ということ、つまり例文は Who knows that he did not do it? と書き換えられる。うっかり間違って that / what 以下に否定を付加するケースがあるので注意。たとえば

  • Who knows but that the whole history of the Conference might not have been changed?

H. W. Fowler, A Dictionary of Modern English Usage

のように。この might not は might の間違い。


He was evidently a man of importance; "well-to-do in the world;" accustomed to be promptly waited upon; of a keen appetite, and a little cross when hungry; "perhaps," thought I, "he may be some London Alderman; or who knows but he may be a Member of Parliament?"

Washington Irving, "The Stout Gentleman"



When my cat and I entertain each other with mutual apish tricks, as playing with a garter, who knows but that I make my cat more sport than she makes me?

Michel de Montaigne, Essays



"Now," — continued the old woman, with singular earnestness, yet smiling strangely at her own folly, — "I want one of you, my children — when your mother is dressed and in the coffin — I want one of you to hold a looking-glass over my face. Who knows but I may take a glimpse at myself, and see whether all's right?"

Nathaniel Hawthorne, "The Ambitious Guest"


Wednesday, March 5, 2025


161. hence / whence

  • The real nature of Roentgen rays is unknown: hence the name X-rays. 「レントゲン線の実体は不明である。それゆえエックス線の名がある」

hence は from this reason とか therefore の意味。hence の代わりに whence も用いられる。


A Woman too often Reasons from her Heart — hence Two-thirds of her Mistakes and her Troubles. A Man of Genius, too, often Reasons from his Heart — hence, also, Two-thirds of his Troubles and Mistakes.

Edward Bulwer Lytton, What Will He Do With It?



 "May I ask whether you have any professional inquiry on foot at present?"
 “None. Hence the cocaine. I cannot live without brainwork."

Arthur Conan Doyle, The Sign of the Four



Summer and winter the English woman takes a cold bath every morning; whence her fresh complexion, her vigour, and her resplendent look of health.

Max O'Rell, John Bull and His Island


Sunday, March 2, 2025

英語読解のヒント (160)

160. help oneself to (2)

  • He does not help himself to any gold. 「彼は少しも金を取らない」

この場合の help oneself to は「盗む」の婉曲的な表現になる。


They helped themselves freely to the furniture of an iminhabited house....

Ernest Blackwell, Booth of the Blue Ribbon Movement



 By chance they found out that this man was the partner of the one who had cheated them.
 They said nothing to him about the matter; but when he had opened his goods and was ready to trade, they coolly helped themselves to all he had, and walked off.

Charles J. Barnes and J. Marshall Hawkes, New National Fourth Reader



"My husband having promised to assist this man, sent for him to the house; and the result of that visit was that the man seeing a quantity of plate about, resolved upon helping himself to a portion of it."

Charlotte M. Braeme, Wife in Name Only



62. Who knows but (that / what) 基本表現と解説 Who knows but (that / what) he did it? 「おそらく彼がやったのだろう」 but that は that...not ということ、つまり例文は Who k...