Friday, January 17, 2025

関口存男「新ドイツ語大講座 下」(4)

§4. Solch ein kleines Kind weiß von gar nichts.


 一般的に「さような」という際には solch- を用います(英語の such)が、その用法には二三の場合が区別されます。まず題文のような、感歎的ないし軽蔑的な口吻を交える場合には solch ein あるいは so ein を用い、solch や so の方は無語尾のままで、ein の方だけを格変化します。「そんな小さな子供には人はすべてを許す」ならば Solch (または So)einem kleinen Kinde verzeiht man alles です。英語も such a little child ですが、 so を用いると形容詞の方が前に来て So little a child となる点がドイツ語とちがいます。

 複数になると ein は用いませんから、solch kleine Kinder または solche kleine Kinder となります。

 形容詞が無い場合には、solch を形容詞として扱って Ein solches Kind (Solch ein Kind と同じ)ともいいます。

 以上は感歎的・侮蔑的な口吻の場合ですが、前節で述べた derjenige や dasjenige と同じ用法、すなわち単に「その」といって指すにすぎない場合には、殊に複数では、solche kleinen Kinder (……のその小さな子供ら)と、solche を指示詞(すなわち冠詞の一種)として扱い、形容詞の格語尾を弱語尾にします。(前述の solche kleine Kinder では、solche も kleine も共に形容詞扱いになっています)。ちょっとやっかいな区別ですが、語尾によって意味の区別を明らかにしているわけです。

§4. verzeihen: 許す。

Tuesday, January 14, 2025


155. would sooner...than...

  • I would sooner die at once than live in this agony.
  • I would rather die at once than live in this agony.
  • I would liefer die at once than live in this agony.

前項の表現より取捨選択の意を露骨にあらわしたもの。would の代わりに had が用いられることもある。


I had rather people laugh at me while they instruct me than praise me without benefitting me. Goethe

Dictionary of Quotations (compiled by James Wood)



 I had rather be a dog, and bay the moon,
 Than such a Roman.

William Shakespeare, Julius Caesar



I would rather be the author of one original thought than conqueror of a hundred battles. W. B. Clulow

Dictionary of Quotations (compiled by James Wood)

百の戦に勝つより一個の独創的思想を生み出すことを私は欲する。 W・B・クルーロウ

Saturday, January 11, 2025


154. would as

  • I would as well die at once as live in this agony.
  • I would as good die at once as live in this agony.
  • I would as lief die at once as live in this agony.
  • I would as soon die at once as live in this agony.

「ひと思いに死ぬ」のも「こんな苦しい思いをして生きる」のも好ましさ、あるいは好ましくなさにおいておなじであるという意味。それを踏まえた上で、 「こんな苦しい思いをして生きるくらいなら、ひと思いに死んだほうがまし」と訳すことも可能 (I would rather die at once than live in this agony)。would (仮定法)の代わりに had も用いられる。


I'd as soon listen to dried peas in a bladder, as listen to your thoughts.

W. B. Yeats, The Hour Glass



"Oh, that is an old door connected with another passage that leads by a dark and wearying staircase to the servants' corridor beneath! I am afraid you won't be able to open it, as it is rusty with age and disuse. The servants would as soon think of coming up here as they would of making an appointment with the Evil One; so it has not been opened for years."

Margaret Wolfe Hungerford, The Haunted Chamber


 この部分は The servants would consider coming up here as much as they would consider making an appointment with the devil. と考える。例文3 も同様。


La Bruyère said: "Women often love liberty only to abuse it." Two hundred years later Balzac wrote: "There are women who crave for liberty in order to make bad use of it." The thoughts are not great, they are not even true, but that is not the question. Could such a genius as Balzac be accused of plagiarism because he expressed a thought practically in the very words of La Bruyère? I would as soon charge Balzac with plagiarism as I would accuse a Vanderbilt or a Carnegie of trying to cheat a street-car conductor out of a penny fare.

Max O'Rell, Rambles in Womanland


Wednesday, January 8, 2025


153. have the + 抽象名詞 (2)

  • Whom have I the honour of addressing?
  • May I have the pleasure of seeing your brother?

丁寧な辞令として「have the + 抽象名詞」の形が使われる場合は「光栄」「愉快」は意味が軽くなって単に What is your name? とか May I see your brother? の意となる。


“I have had the honor of telling you that I have only just stepped out of the train.”

Henry James, Daisy Miller



"I never had the pleasure of seeing him — as yet," answered Mr. Jones, very stiffly.

Anthony Trollope, Christmas at Thompson Hall



“May I have the pleasure of dancing with you?”

Unknown, The Comic English Grammar


Sunday, January 5, 2025


152. have the + 抽象名詞 (1)

  • He had the audacity to deny such a patent fact.
  • He had the audacity of denying such a patent fact.

抽象名詞を形容詞に置き換えて言い直すと He was so audacious as to deny such a patent fact. となる。「彼は厚顔にもこのような明白な事実を否定した」


"I do think," I said, "that when I speak to you you might have the civility to pay some little attention."

Barry Pain, Eliza



But he had the ill-fortune to be older by a couple of years than most of his fellow-students....

William Makepeace Thackeray, The History of Henry Esmond, Esq.



You have married not only a low-born girl, but the daughter of a felon — a felon's daughter is mistress of proud Beechwood! You who scorned Philippa L'Estrange, who had the cruelty to refuse the love of a woman who loved you — you who looked for your ideal in the clouds, have found it near a prison cell!

Charlotte M. Braeme, Wife in Name Only

あなたは生まれの賤しい娘と結婚しただけではありません。重罪犯人の娘と結婚したのです。重罪犯人の娘が高慢なビーチウッドの奥方! フィリッパ・レストレンジを蔑んだあなた、あなたを愛する女の愛を残酷にもしりぞけたあなた、理想の女を雲の上に求めたあなたは、その理想を牢獄のそばに見出したのです。

Thursday, January 2, 2025

英語読解のヒント (151)

151. fate willed it that...

  • Fate willed it that he was absent on that particular night.

Luck willed it that... とか Chance willed it that... という形もある。「運命・幸運・偶然が……然らしめた」あるいは「……と定めた」という意味である。


Further, chance willed it that he should be an American.

William Le Queux, The Broken Thread



Accident willed it that one of the shapeless groups of masked men and women collected in a vast barouche, stopped on the left of the boulevard, while the wedding party stopped on the right.

Victor Hugo, Les Misérables (translated by Lascelles Wraxall)



Chance had so arranged the denseness of the branches that Déruchette could see while Gilliatt could not.

Victor Hugo, The Toilers of the Sea (translated by Isabel F. Hapgood)


 W. Moy Thomas の訳では Accident had so placed the branches, that Déruchette could see the newcomer while Gilliatt could not. となっている。

関口存男「新ドイツ語大講座 下」(4)

§4.  Solch ein kleines Kind weiß von gar nichts. そんな 小さな子供は何も知らない。  一般的に「さような」という際には solch- を用います(英語の such )が、その用法には二三の場合が区別されます。まず題文...